Chapter 137

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"I see you got off your chain finally," Alfred remarked. He and Tiberius were now sitting on the bench on the rooftop. Night had fallen upon the city. The sun had gone down about an hour ago, fifty minutes before Tiberius returned home. Swallowing a piece of venison whole, the old hawk squeaked softly in reply.

"Did you have a good day sweet boy?" Alfred asked. Obviously, he couldn't speak hawk so he wasn't expecting an answer. Chuckling softly, the old man commented, "I can only imagine what you were doing all day." Laying in his owner's lap, Tiberius smiled and murmured, "You'd be very surprised with what happened today."

"Well boy, I gotta get to bed," Alfred declared with a sigh when he glanced down at his watch. Hopping off his lap, Tiberius waited until his owner was standing before he climbed onto the leather glove. The two went into the crudely built shed the hawk had lived in for about a decade.

Sadly getting off Alfred's leather glove, Tiberius settled down on one of his favorite perches, a branch that allowed him to be eye level with his owner. The old man quietly clasped the chain onto the hawk's right leg. Picking up the hood off the bone covered floor, Alfred sighed softly. Letting out a small squeak, Tiberius nuzzled his owner's hand lovingly. Petting the hawk on the head, the old man murmured, "I'm okay boy. I just don't like doing this to you."

"I know," Tiberius rasped. He knew Alfred couldn't understand his language. The old red tailed hawk nuzzled his owner's hand once more. Smiling quietly, Alfred petted the red tail. "Good night sweet boy," he whispered. Petting Tiberius one more time, he then pulled the hood over the hawk's head.

His vision obscured, Tiberius could hear Alfred walking away. Once it was quiet, the old red tailed hawk carefully made his way to the bone covered floor. Rolling over onto his back, he blindly stared at the ceiling above his head. "What a day..." he murmured. Closing his eyes, he smiled. Sure, the day was a bit rough. But it was worth it. He felt happy for the first time in a long time. Purring softly, he whispered quietly to himself, "Thank you Gidget."

The old red tailed hawk was fast asleep moments later.

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