Chapter 52

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Panting heavily, a sinister smile crept along Striker's face as he chuckled to himself. His eyes, showing no emotions but wickedness and victory, glowed brightly in the sun. In front of him, Tiberius showed no signs of life. His broad chest was completely still and he wasn't breathing. His light brown eyes just stared off into the distance. Rosa could be heard in the distance sobbing, with hushed whispers coming from Pietro and his father Hydra in an attempt to soothe her. A few others from the crowd helped out.

The Council was about as horrified as Rosa was by the outcome of the duel. Very much like Tiberius's little sister, Panama was crying her chocolate brown eyes out. Dodger and Maggie were beside her, trying to quiet her down. Pierre couldn't even look at the scene, his bright red head turned away. Calvin looked like he was going to be sick, his face an awful shade of green. A coward through and through, Flash clearly looked like he wanted no more of this and was trying to sneak away but Mercury, being on the ground near the roots of the Great Oak, held him by the tail. Eddie had his head bowed while Oscar just stared in silence at the hawk who was his friend. Juno had tears rolling down her face. Though she showed a strange and comforting calmness in her face and posture, one could see the sadness glistening in Sleet's pale yellow eyes.

"Looks like I won Sleet," Striker hissed. Turning around to face the ancient bald eagle and the rest of the council members, he went on, "What are you going to do? Send me another one of your pals for me to slaughter?! I would love that so much!" The great horned owl tipped his head back and laughed. It was filled with a mixture of unbridled joy and savagery. It sounded twisted and rang with madness, the sign of a psychopath. Everyone cringed and trembled with fear. No one knew what to do about the situation. But terror was rising inside everyone, especially when Striker began advancing towards the Council with a menacing glare in his amber eyes. With all of the attention on the bloodthirsty owl, no one noticed that Tiberius was moving.

Relieved that Striker had finally moved away from him, Tiberius blinked his light brown eyes a few times. Quietly breathing, he dared to start moving. His movements were done in a silent and slow manner. It wasn't until he was on his feet when the crowd started noticing that the hawk was back from the dead. Striker still didn't notice, too busy ranting about his victory at the Council, who didn't see what was happening either. At least, not at first. Looking up, Sleet seemed surprised but she made no other signs as she looked back down at the great horned owl coming closer. The other council members mirrored her actions. Pietro tapped Rosa on the shoulder and showed her what was happening. She made no sounds though as she watched. In fact, the whole crowd was surprisingly quiet as Tiberius crept silently towards Striker. Before he could make his move though, one small youngster cried, "Mommy, look! He's still alive!"

Eyes widening in shock, Striker whirled around with a vicious growl, "And so he does-" He was cut off short though when Tiberius launched himself forward. Tackling the owl, the pair rolled over the grass. Feathers flew everywhere and talons shone in the sunlight. The air was filled with hisses and screeches. Coming to a stop, everyone could see that Tiberius had managed to pin Striker underneath him, his beak grasping his opponent's throat. Outraged, the owl cursed in the old language while landing blow after blow on the hawk's flanks and chest, along with his injured stomach. Wincing in pain, the red tail held onto his grip, slightly tightening it until his opponent wasn't attacking anymore. "Please, I don't want to kill you Striker," Tiberius mumbled, his voice muffled by feathers. The owl, gasping for air, looked around at the crowd.

Rolling his amber eyes, Striker tapped Tiberius's shoulder three times with his wing, signaling his defeat. The hawk, in return, released his hold on the owl.

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