Chapter 49

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The sun shone bright in the late March sky. The air was filled with the sweet songs of birds such as the robin and the thrush. Many more colored the clear blue skies when they took flight in small groups or with their partners. There were even a few solo flyers. There was not a cloud in sight and a gentle breeze rustled through the green leaves of the trees in Central Park. All of New York City was welcoming the first beautiful day of spring. However, there were more serious matters going on by the Great Oak.

"Striker, one of the few descendants of Minerva the Brave, stands before all of you as a murderer," Sleet's voice rang throughout the clearing, crisp and clear. With the many spectators that had gathered, the meeting had to be held outside the hollow and in the clearing. The Great Tree towered above all as it stood behind the council members, minus two. When the patrol had come back with news that Rex had been keeping his side of the bargain pretty well, they had all been shocked to find out that Striker had murdered Mumford and almost done the same to Sleet. Now the remaining members stared down at one of their own, still grieving over the loss of another. Meanwhile, Sleet continued, "Last night, he had murdered council member Mumford. He is also responsible for the attacks at several nests in our area, even going as far as killing young nestlings." The crowd began to whisper as the ancient bald eagle asked, "Striker, how do you plead?"

"I plead for a duel! And I challenge you to it my dear Sleet," Striker hissed. The audience was practically losing their minds now. It took a screech from both Eddie and Flash to silence them. Sleet's talons dug deep into the root she was perched on. An angered look glowed in her eyes. But Tiberius knew there was nothing that the bald eagle could do. Once someone called for a duel, the defendant and the bird on offense would fight it out. If the defendant fought with honor and justice, they could be found innocent or at least be given a punishment that wasn't very strict. It depended on the case. The fight ended with a yield or death. One thing was for certain. If the defendant calls for a duel, it would take place no matter what. And the competitor was always with the one who had accused them of the crime. And that would be Sleet.

Watching his friend, Tiberius grew worried when he saw Sleet debating with her thoughts. He knew that she could be a formidable foe. But she wasn't as young as she used to be and Striker was a skilled fighter. There was a high risk of her getting killed. Scanning the crowd, the hawk's eyes met his sister's. Seeing the look her big brother was giving her, Rosa shook her head. However, Tiberius's mind was already made up as he stepped forward and declared, "I accept your challenge."

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