Part 2: club

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<no one pov>

"Seungmin, where are the balloons?" Woojin whispered to his brother as he silently opened his sisters room door.
"Chi-won is filling them. I told him to get cold water." Seungmin whispered back.
"You put your secretary to fill them? You're lazy." Woojin sighed.

"Here are your balloons." Seungmin's secretary said and brought a basket full of colourful water balloons.
"Thank you Chi-won." Woojin thanked and carried the basket to Soyeon's room.

Seungmin and Woojin took balloons and threw them at their little sister at the same time.
"Good morning sis!" They yelled.
Soyeon sat up half asleep.
"I'm gonna kill you both." She said and earned a new water balloon to her face.
"You can try!" Woojin shouted and ran out of the room.
"Do you want to help me, or do you also have a death wish?" Soyeon asked and Seungmin just decided to run.
"You're both dead!" Soyeon screamed and ran after her brothers.

At the same time Jisung was waking up at his best friends house. He opened his eyes and found himself on his friends living room floor with a soju bottle in his hand.

"Ah, fuck." Jisung groaned rubbing his head.
"Hey Chan? You got any pain killers?" He asked his friend who was sleeping on the couch.
"Chan?" Jisung asked again.
"Hm?" Chan answered.
"Pain killers."
"Oh. Yeah. In the bathroom." He muttered and fell off the couch.

-a few hours later-

Chan and Jisung were still at Chan's.
"So. Tell me about that girl again." Chan insisted.
"Seriously? Is that all you want to talk about?" Jisung asked.
"If you could introduce me to her, then maybe I could just talk straight to her." Chan said and smirked.

"It's easier to walk to Area 51 and steal an alien than talk to her. Her guards are always around." Jisung said and took a spoon full of hangover soup.
"I'm so jealous. At least you see her daily. I so want to see her even once." Chan pouted.
"She is so beautiful. Without her I wouldn't go to school. Too sad I don't have a chance with her." Jisung joined the pouting.

"Let's go clubbing tonight. I mean, we do have fake ID's." Chan decided.
"Cause dude, we need girls. Not just average high school girls, but grownup women." Chan said.
"Ew. Dude. You're a fuckboy now?" Jisung asked and Chan just laughed.
"Club at 9 pm?" He asked and Jisung nodded finally.

-at 9 pm-
<Soyeon pov>

"I need to go clubbing." I said to Hyung-woo(my guard).
"Your dads club?" He asked.
"Sure. Anything's fine." I said and went to pick an outfit.

I decided to take a red two piece dress, so just something regular

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I decided to take a red two piece dress, so just something regular.

"I'm ready!" I excitedly shout whispered to my self.

"What are the closest clubs near my dads club?" I asked Hyung-woo.

"There's an regular old club a block from there. Why are you asking?"

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now