Part 13: DEEP BRO

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<Felix pov>

The sunshine finally reached the room... although I hadn't been sleeping a lot. I just kept on worrying about Soyeon. How could I let her sleep with another guy. She is MY girlfriend and this trip was for me and her to get closer.

I really have fallen for her... I love her. Our month is almost over and I'm still not on her good side.

"AGHAGRRGHA!" Hyunjin groaned before sitting up.
"Morning." I said in my deep thinking voice which was even deeper because it was the morning.
"DUUUDE! Your voice is deep bro." Hyunjin said and was about to leave the room, but I stopped him.

"Sit down." I patted my bed and he sat beside me confused.
"How can I get on Soyeon's better side?" I asked and hugged my pillow.
"What do you mean?" Hyunjin chuckled.
"I mean that she prefers other guys over me. And she called you oppa! FUCKING OPPA!" I screamed silently.
"It's probably a habit of hers. She used to always call me oppa when we were still hanging out." He said and raised his shoulders a little.

"But How did she start liking you enough to call you oppa?" I asked.
"I just was nice to her. I called her every day to ask how she was doing and if she'd eaten yet. And I also bought her these little gifts. Aanndd- I didn't really mind if she talked about other guys. I mean she didn't hang out with other guys aside me but when she was like proposed to and she would talk about how the guy was handsome, or how she just wanted to have a one night stand with one of them." Hyunjin listed up stuff that sounded far from what I had done.

"Oh gosh I'm horrible." I groaned and laughed.
"You have no idea." Hyunjin laughed too and got up to use the bathroom.

<no one pov>

Felix decided to try his best to be the best boyfriend ever. Because he really liked his girlfriend... loved his girlfriend.

He got up and went to the other room. Everyone was still sleeping. He looked at his girlfriend in awe. She was so beautiful even when sleeping.
Her hair was dark black, her lips were plump and pink, her skin was soft and flawless.

"Damn if you would just love me back." Felix whispered and wiped a strand of Soyeon's hair behind her ear. She turned around and was now basically laying ON Han Jisung.

'Don't get bothered! YOU HAVE TO GET HER TO LIKE YOU!' Felix yelled in his head.

"Good morning mate." Felix heard Chan's voice behind his back.
"Shut up!" Felix hissed.
"Huh?" Chan walked to see what Felix was looking at.
He saw his best friend and a girl who's boyfriend he had just got friendly with.

Felix was thinking that he should also get on the good side of Soyeon's friends if he was gonna get on her's.
"They look good together." Felix said and Chan nodded.
"They do, I'm sorry man. You're girl has been taken from you." He said and patted Felix's shoulder before leaving the room.

Felix stayed there for a few more minutes until Jisung started waking up. He opened his eyes and widened them right away looking from Felix to Soyeon and back to Felix.

"Man I have nothing to do with this shit." Jisung said and started pushing Soyeon off of him.
"Yah. Don't push her away. Let her sleep." Felix said. Finally he was speaking from his heart without having to only think of getting Soyeon to like him.
"Huh?" Jisung was confused. Felix had never acted like that. Actually Jisung had hated Felix from the very beginning... probably because they like the same girl.
"I saw everything. I know that you didn't do anything. She just rolled over in her sleep." Felix said with sadness in his voice.

"Umm... are you someone I can trust?" Felix then raised his gaze from his sleeping beauty to Jisung who's hair was extra messy btw.
"Uhh- yeah. Sure. What is it?" Jisung asked and was getting the feeling that he and Felix could actually be friends.

"I really like Soyeon. I think I've fallen in love with her..." just at that point Jisung brushed off the friendly feeling.
"And I thought that if it's just possible, if you could take care of her and tell her good things about me. They don't even have to be true. I just... I really need her to keep dating me. It'll save a lot of people, cuz if she isn't engaged till Christmas a lot of people are gonna lose their jobs. There are fathers and mothers that have to feed their families, and if they all lose their jobs, there's gonna be people coming after Soyeon. So please." Felix said with tears in his eyes. He knew that he was seen as a cold person who doesn't care about anyone else than himself, but he did. It was just hard to break that from people's minds... his own mind as well.

Jisung started thinking if he should actually do as Felix said, if he should just give up on Soyeon and hand her over to Felix. Jisung knew that he couldn't offer the same things as Felix could, and that Soyeon's parents wouldn't like him. He just nodded at Felix who's face got brighter.
"Thanks mate. I owe you one." Felix said and left after giving Soyeon's forehead a quick peck.

"What did I just agree to?!?!" Jisung hissed at himself.

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