Part 21: dehydrated

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<Soyeon pov>

The footsteps got closer and two men came in talking about something that I didn't pay attention to. They looked at the doors of the trunk and I already thought that was it and now I was gonna die, but no. They just walked to the drivers and passengers seats and I saw the elevator going up. I was actually starting to think my plan worked.

Then the elevator stopped and the van started driving.
"Shit!" I whisper yelled and looked up as the van just got off and now I had no cover. I saw a camera in the ceiling and decided to run for my life. I got up and started running out of the elevator and into the huge ass garage that you could basically call a parking lot. There were like twenty cars and I just ran past them. Then I saw the van stop and the men got out looking angry as heck. It took me a moment to realize that they had big guns in their hands, but when I did I got down quickly and started panicking.

"Please don't shoot!" I shouted about to cry.
"Oh, come on. You know that we will, but if you just get up nicely and get back in the damn car we won't probably shoot you." I heard one of them say.
"Okay." I said quietly and got up. They both looked at me grinning. The guns were on their shoulders.

I started walking towards the van and they were beside me and that's when I did something insane. I took a quick step back and pulled both of their guns off their shoulders and luckily they weren't holding on to them as tight as I thought. So now I had two guns in my hands. They were SO heavy, but I kept them up like a champion and started walking backwards.

"Put them down." The other one of the guys said.
"Oh, come on. You know I'm not gonna do that." I just chuckled and started running towards the exit and FINALLY I was out of that hell hole. I threw those nasty guns out of my hands and I just ran. I ran for minutes. I ran as long as I could and when I stopped I felt weak. I hadn't eaten for days, I had been sleeping, I didn't know if I was even hydrated and I just ran like over a mile or something. I felt like I couldn't feel my legs anymore and I just passed out.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now