Part 10: Kowalski analysis

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<no one pov>

Jisung forced Chan to join them at the cottage trip. The two of them were now waiting at Jisung's yard for Soyeon's driver to pick them up.

"Do you think it'll be a limousine?" Chan excitedly asked.
"Probably no. We're still going to live in the middle of nothing for a week." Jisung sighed. He hated the fact that Lee Felix had to be there as well.

Finally a car stopped in front of them and their bags were taken by the driver. They got in the car and Soyeon was sitting there on the passengers seat.

"Good morning." Chan greeted and Soyeon giggled at him.
"It's 6 pm." She giggled and made Jisung jealous for getting all giggly with Chan.
"I'm here too." He said annoyed.
"Well hello grumpy squirrel." Soyeon joked and started laughing with Chan again.

"Why am I a squirrel?" Jisung asked trying to hold back his laughter.
"Because the first thing that came to my head when I first met you, was a squirrel." Soyeon said trying to keep a straight face.
"Hey, ahjussi. Do I look like a squirrel?" Jisung asked the driver who had to look at him through the mirror.
"A little bit." He said formally.
"Told you!" Soyeon laughed.

That's basically how the car ride was the whole time. Then they finally reached the summer cottage. Felix and his friend were already there.

Soyeon, Jisung and Chan stepped out of the car to see Felix with Hyunjin.

As soon as Soyeon saw Hyunjin, she froze.
"Long time no see." Hyunjin smiled at his old friend.
"Yeah." Soyeon responded. They kept staring at each other and making everyone confused.

"How do you know each other?" Felix asked.
"We're each other's first kisses." Hyunjin said not taking his eyes off the girl in front of him.

Jisung and Felix both got jealous. They both stepped between Soyeon and Hyunjin.
"Am I literally the only one who doesn't know what da fug is going on?" Chan asked from the side.
"No you're not." Felix said.
"And who even are you?" Chan asked from Felix.

"I'm Felix, Lee Felix And I'm Soyeon's boyfriend." He said and Chan was even more confused.
"But I thought Jisung and Soyeon were a thing. Who is who? I seriously get an Kowalski vibe here." Chan said making everyone else confused.
"Kowalski?" Hyunjin asked.

"Wait a second." Chan said and took his phone from his pocket. After a while he showed this picture to the others;

 After a while he showed this picture to the others;

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"Umm... What the fuck seriously?" Soyeon laughed causing everyone to look at her.
"What? Can't I curse?" She giggled still and walked in to the cottage leaving the still confused Kowalski boys outside.

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