Part 11: not enough beds

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<no one pov>

Everyone was unpacking and still kinda confused about... well just everything.

Soyeon walked through both bedrooms looking for a good bed. What annoyed her was that there were zero rooms with just one bed. And there were only two rooms... and only four beds... but still five people.

"Umm... guys?" She called out to the others.
"What is it, my lovely girlfriend?" Felix shot his head up trying his best to make the others realize that Soyeon was his.

"Ugh. Hey mate could you not?" Chan asked disgusted. Felix gave Chan a death glare, but didn't say anything.

"Umm, there are only four beds."
Soyeon said trying to ignore the tension in the room.
"Don't you have a maids room?" Hyunjin asked.
"Yes, but my guard is using it." Soyeon replied.
"Wait... your guard is here?" Jisung asked relieved.
"Yup. But he's not allowed to be with us unless his asked to do so." Soyeon said.

<Soyeon pov>

I started finally figuring out my parents' plan. They wanted me to bring two friends so I'd have to sleep on one bed with Felix. I also knew that I was gonna have to do so...unless.

"I'm sleeping alone!" Chan yelled and ran into the other room to decide where to sleep.
"Yeah I ain't gonna share my bed either." Hyunjin stepped aside.
"I'm your only option babe." Felix said to me just like Jisung was air to him.
"No you're not." Jisung spoke up.

Felix started hysterically laughing and Hyunjin kinda joined the laughs.

"You do understand that you're just a friend to her, right? And that right there is her boyfriend." Hyunjin chuckled and pointed at Felix.
"Yes. And don't you think I should be the one to share a bed with her because I'm just her friend?" Jisung said making everyone confused again.

"You are not making ANY sense here man." Felix chuckled.
"Think it like this. If a girlfriend and a boyfriend sleep together, something tragic could happen... the girlfriend could even get PREGNANT!" Jisung said trying to convince Felix and Hyunjin.

I turned my head kinda shocked at what Jisung had just said, but I was also trying to hold back my laughter. He was just way too cute trying his best to sleep with me.
"But if a friend shared a bed with this girlfriend, nothing could happen. Because they wouldn't have any sexual attraction towards each other." Jisung said and Hyunjin looked convinced.
"But... what if the friend happened to see this girlfriend as more than a friend?" Felix said trying to defend himself

"I think the best option would just be that the friend and the boyfriend shared a bed and the girlfriend would be left alone." Chan poked his head through his rooms door.
"Nah. Because the friend and the boyfriend don't really like each other and only one would probably wake up."  Felix threatened and earned a sigh from me.

"I don't really care at all so just take a round of Rock Paper Scissors." I lied through my teeth cuz I REALLY did NOT want to share a bed with Felix. I just think I like Jisung... no- I KNOW I like Jisung WAAAY more than I've ever liked a guy before.

"You heard her. Let the best guy win." Jisung was all confident, but I wasn't... I was crossing my fingers and wishing that Felix would lose.
"Rock, paper, scissors." Hyunjin said bored.
"One point to the boyfriend." Felix flexed.
"Rock, paper——————


I felt so relieved and I could see how Jisung was trying his best to hide his happiness.
"But we will share a room tho." Felix insisted.
"Nah. I'm not gonna share a room with a stranger." Hyunjin said and glared at Chan who was still poking his head through his door.

"Bro! Who's side are you on?" Felix hissed.

"Well I guess that's how it turned out." I said cheerfully and walked into the room where Chan already was. Felix was left in the living room dumbfounded.

This ones a little shitty I know but it's 12 am so give me a brake

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now