Part 4: Jealousy

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"Horror or romance?" Felix asked and it was probably the hardest choice ever.
I hate horror movies and if we would watch a horror movie I would just be glued to Felix even more. I like romance movies though, but if there's a skin-ship part... well everyone knows what happens from there.

" choose." I ended up saying since the choice was too hard.
"Let's watch 'IT'. It's horror, but it's not that bad." Felix said and the movie started.

I could tell Felix liked the way I got scared easily. Every time the clown was showed, or there was a jump scare, I buried my face into Felix's chest.

"If you don't like this, we can watch kissing booth." Felix said and I just shook my head.
"Nah. I've already seen that." I said and just tried to relax.

"You don't feel comfortable, don't you." Felix sighed and smiled charmingly.
"It's okay. You can always say no. I just like skin-ship." Felix said and took away his hands.

'What are you doing to me Lee Felix? I so badly want to hate you, but you just make me like you. AND I STILL KEEP THINKING OF THAT DAMN HAN JISUNG!!! I have to get away from you before I actually start liking you.' I thought to myself and got up from bed.

"I- have to go." I said quickly and ran out.

<Felix pov>

'She's so beautiful. I want to kiss her plump lips so damn bad. Her personality is so weird that it makes her even more attractive.' I thought to myself and smiled like an idiot.

"I have the worlds prettiest girlfriend. Gotta make her love me." I said and also got up from her bed.

I walked downstairs and her parents were in the kitchen. I swear I wasn't eavesdropping, I just overheard...

"Felix would be such a good match for Soyeon." Mrs. Kim said.
"And it would also be good for business." Mr. Kim said in response.
"Yah! Think of our daughters happiness once over business!"
"Yeah yeah." He sighed.
"I can't wait for my grandchildren." Mrs. Kim said and I heard from her voice that she was smiling widely.
"Oh, no. Not yet. She's seventeen for gods sake." Mr. Kim said angrily.

I decided to not let them argue and I walked to the kitchen.
"Felix!" Mrs. Kim said cheerfully and hugged me.
"Do you know how lucky you are?" Mr. Kim asked and sipped his coffee.
"Of course he does. Everyone knows how Soyeon loves turning guys down."
"Am I her first boyfriend?" I asked and smiled.
"Yes." Mrs Kim said and I smiled widely.

When I got back home, my best friend was there in my room playing games on my computer.
"Hey Hyunjin. Guess what." I said and jumped onto my bed.
"Tell me." Hyunjin said and paused his game.
"I got a girlfriend." I said proudly and Hyunjin just laughed.

"Girlfriend? Funny." Hyunjin laughed and got back to gaming.

"What? I'm serious. It's Kim Soyeon and-"
"Kim Soyeon?! The daughter of Kim Jiseok?" Hyunjin asked amazed of what I just said.
"Yes! I'm so lucky! " I said and Hyunjin started laughing again.
"I don't believe you. Soyeon is famous for turning proposals down." Hyunjin said and was about to go back to my computer.
"I can prove it! I'll call her. Her mom gave me her number." I said and took out my phone.
"You're not joking?" Hyunjin looked at me, my phone and then back at me.
"I'm not!" I said and called a video call to Soyeon.

She didn't pick up.
"Yeah. If she was your girlfriend she would have picked up." Hyunjin laughed and went back to gaming.
"I'll prove you eventually." I muttered.

<no one pov>

Soyeon ran out of her room leaving Felix there alone. She decided to go see Jisung, although she had no clue of where he lived, because even though she had just drooled over another guy all she could think about was Jisung.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now