Part 3: prince charming

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"See ya tomorrow mate!" Chan shouted as he drove away with his motorcycle.

"Okay. Here's your helmet." Jisung said and handed me a bright red helmet.
"Did you know that my favourite colour is actually red?" I said as I put the helmet on.

"Really?" He showed me a fake surprised face and looked at my outfit.
We both started laughing.

"Sit." Jisung then commanded and patted the motorbike seat behind him.
"Okay." I said and sat there like a Disney princess, both of my legs on the same side.
"Why are you sitting like that?" Jisung aked.
"Cuz I'm wearing a tight skirt." I said and put my hands around Jisung.

He stopped completely and his ears turned red

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He stopped completely and his ears turned red.

"Are you okay?" I asked and removed my hands the way, that now I was just holding onto his jacket. He suddenly grabbed my hands and put them back around him without saying anything. I felt that bubbly feeling again.

I told Jisung the directions to my house and as we got there, my oldest brother Woojin was outside.

"Where the freak have you been?!" He scolded me as if Jisung wasn't even there.
"I was clubbing with my friends." I said and looked over at Jisung.

"Who is he?" Woojin asked a bit more calmer.
"I'm Han Jisung." Jisung introduced himself and bowed.
"I'm Soyeon's oldest brother, Kim Woojin." Woojin said and smiled his signature smile.

"Are you my sisters boyfriend?" Woojin asked still smiling.
"Uh, no. Just a friend."

<Jisung pov>

It hurt a bit to say it, but I couldn't lie.

"Can you take off your helmet, so that I can see your face?" Woojin asked suddenly that it made me confused. I still did as told and took off my helmet.

"Ooh. Handsome. I'd accept you dating my sister." Soyeon's brother said with a friendly smile on his face.

I blushed and so did Soyeon.

"Come eat dinner at our house sometime." Woojin said and I just nodded nervously as an answer.
"Thank you for bringing Soyeon home, brother-in-law." Woojin said and walked inside.

He made me and Soyeon blush already twice, I wonder what's his superpower.

"So. Umm. Thanks again for everything. I guess I'll see you on Monday?" Soyeon said shyly. It was so cute to see her like that. It made my heart flutter and my stomach go crazy. I was totally falling for her.

"Yeah. See ya." I said back, but I didn't go anywhere.

"Go." She said and smiled.
"You go in first."
"No, you go."
"I won't leave before you go inside." I said and she giggled in the cutest way EVER.
"Fine. Bye, squirrel." She said and I could see how hard she tried not to laugh.
"SQUIRREL?!" I questioned, but she just walked to the door of her HUGE house.
"Good night!" She said and went inside.
"Good night, the prettiest girl alive, Kim Soyeon." I said silently and drove away.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now