Part 25: America fuck yeah

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<Soyeon pov>

We had eaten the pizza and played a few more games and now it was time for Jisung to leave.

"Nooo. Don't gooooo." I pouted as I clung onto his arm.
"I have to. I'll come back tomorrow morning you won't even notice me gone." He said smiling.
"But my mom is coming tomorrow and Hyunjin and Felix are coming tomorrow and.."
"Hey. Do you really like me that much?" Jisung interrupted and chuckled.
"Yes. I like you SO SO much." I said still pouting.
"Well umm. Fine. I'll stay for fifteen minutes and then I'll go." Jisung promised and sat down on the bed.

"Thank you squirrel." I said jokingly and Jisung couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"So... you like me, I like you and we like each other?" Jisung asked grinning ear to ear.
"I guess so." I answered.
"So. Would you be interested in being my-" He didn't finish as my mom walked through the door.

She looked like she had cried a lot. Jisung got up from the bed quickly and bowed at my mom.
"Why are you still here? Oh I'm sorry that sounded rude. I mean aren't you supposed to always leave at 8?" Mom asked and Jisung looked at me.

"I asked him to stay." I said and mom smiled.
"Well I'm happy you have such a great friend who spends time here with you everyday." Mom smiled and patted Jisungs shoulder.

"Can you excuse us for a few minutes?" Mom then asked out of nowhere and Jisung just nodded and left.

"How are you doing sweetie?" She asked and caressed my head.
"I'm doing fine." I said and gave her a smile.
"That's good. You know I have some news for you." She then said looking down.

"Good or bad?" I asked looking at her sad face.

"I don't know." She said and looked up at me again.

"Tell me."

"Well. You were kidnapped. That was the worst week of my whole entire life. I didn't sleep or eat well, and neither did your father. So we decided to send you to a safer place where you wouldn't be in so much danger as you are now." She said which made my jaw drop.

"Where are you sending me? And why? I've lived here for my whole life it's been just safe enough all these years." I said as I started feeling a lump in my throat.
"You have no idea how hard it is to know that my own daughter was abducted and harassed and FUCKING RAPED!" She yelled and I was suddenly so scared.

"Mom. Calm down."

"Ok. But yes, we are sending you away for a little while until the kidnappers are in prison." She said and wiped away a tear that had just fallen out of her eye.

"But where?"

"To a boarding school in America." She said quietly.

I felt that lump in my throat get bigger and heavier.
"A-America? Boarding school?" I whispered and I just felt the urge to leave and so I got up and started walking with no shoes or even socks out of the hospital room.

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