Part 20: Crazy

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<Jisung pov>

I was sitting on my motorcycle in front of Soyeon's house. It had been a week now since she went missing, and her face was everywhere already. There were posters anywhere you could put them, her face had been on the news a couple times, I've seen her face on Instagram and Snapchat. Like literally everyone knew she was missing.

I had been sitting there just looking at her house for half an hour and finally decided to go knock on the door.

I just stood there for almost a minute, and then Seungmin came to open the door. His eyes were puffy and he looked like he hadn't been sleeping.
"Hi." I said shyly.
"Come in." He just said and welcomed me inside.
I walked in and was greeted by Woojin.

"Come on sit down." Woojin said and pointed at the sofa. I sat down and so did the two of them.

"Is there any new information on Soyeon?" I asked as soon as they sat down.
"No. They're still trying to locate her phone, but they already told us not to wait for anything, because she probably wouldn't have her phone with her." Seungmin said and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"What do they think happened?" I asked in hopes of an answer.
"They think it was abduction." Woojin said looking down.
"We think that too. Because there is no reason she would've ran away." Seungmin sobbed.

"Where are your parents? Have they been able to sleep? Have you been able to sleep?" I kept asking.

"Jisung. We seriously appreciate your concern and we know how this must be for you, but don't worry about us. You should just go rest. We will tell you anything we find out." Woojin said with a small smile on his face.
"No I can't rest. I can't rest knowing that she's out there somewhere, not safe." I started sobbing as well.
"Fine. I get it." Woojin said and gave me a hug. Just what I needed.

"Our parents are staying with with their friends, because when they were here they kept yelling at each other and throwing things." Seungmin said and chuckled a little.
"It was a little crazy yeah." Woojin chuckled too.
"So it's just the two of you?" I asked.
"Felix is here as well. He's currently sleeping in Soyeon's room. Mom gave him permission to sleep here until Soyeon is found." Woojin said.
"You can stay here too. Just if you want. We wouldn't mind some extra company." Seungmin said and Woojin agreed.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah. You can use the quest room." Woojin said and so I nodded.

We decided to go get some off my stuff together and soon the quest room looked like my room.

"Welcome to the family brother-in-law." Woojin chuckled and playfully pushed me with his elbow.

<Soyeon pov>

I opened my eyes slowly I was cold and VERY hungry. I looked down at my body and realized I was not wearing any clothes. Then I looked around and realized I was still in the same room where I was raped by the man in the red suit.

I looked around and realized there weren't any other girls anymore and that I was there all alone. I started panicking. I still felt weak, but I don't think it was because of the poison anymore. I crawled to the door and started sobbing while trying to open the door. My hands were not working properly and they looked way too skinny, not like my hands. I heard footsteps behind the door and then someone opened it.

"Finally awake are we?" It was him. The guy in the red suit, the guy who raped me, the guy with the tiny penis.
"Do you want to know how long you were sleeping? For. A. Week." He whispered in my ear. I was shocked.

"I bet you're hungry." He then said and grabbed my arm. He pulled me to his office door and opened it.

"Somebody come get her!" He yelled and shut the door behind me.

There was another of those masked men who was coming at me. He grabbed me just like last time and started walking me through the hallway. I was still not wearing any clothes, but I didn't really care. The masked men were all looking at me as I passed them. There were not as much girls as last time, but one girl was familiar. It was the little girl from the floor. She was looking at me too.

Finally we arrived at the room where I was when I first came here. There was the chair and beside the chair there was a blood stain... I remembered Minho on the floor gasping for air. A tear slipped from my eye, but I wiped it away.

"Here are your clothes. Put them on and get in the car." The mask man said pointing at some random clothes on the floor and then at the black van with an open trunk. Then he left.

I took the clothes and started getting dressed. They weren't my clothes, but at least they were clean. There was a pink tank top, black jean-shorts and blue sneakers.

After I was dressed I was going to get in the trunk of the van, but a crazy idea got in my head. An idea that could possibly get me free... or possibly get me killed.

I closed the doors of the van and started having second thoughts.
"But what if I get killed for this?" I said, but then I heard footsteps and there was no other option than to just go with the plan. I got down on the floor and crawled under the van. My crazy plan had way too many risks, but fuck it.

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