Part 40: together forever

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<Soyeon pov>

I went to Minho's dorm and knocked on the door.

It took longer than a minute for him to open the door. When he did, he was laughing so hard he was as red as a tomato. I stepped in to the dorm and saw Jisung rolling on the floor and laughing his lungs out. Jeongin was on Minho's bed and he was holding his stomach as he laughed inaudibly.

"What happened here?" I asked as the boys started wiping the corners of their eyes.
"We were playing a funny game." Jisung said while trying his best to calm down.
"I'm not sure if I wanna know." I sighed and helped Jisung get up from the floor.

"Let's go." I said and pulled his hand.
"Why are you already taking him away?" Jeongin whined.
"Because we have something to do." I said and so we left.

"So. What did you learn?" Jisung asked as he interlocked our fingers.
"Nothing important." I sighed as we walked up the stairs.

"I want to do the test. Now." I said nervously and Jisung smiled at me cutely before nodding his head.

"Come on. Jump." He suddenly said after we got to the floor where my dorm was. He squatted in front of me and spread his arms.
"I'm wearing a dress I can't." I chuckled and kept on walking.

Then I felt my legs leave the ground and I was in Jisung's arms, bridal style.
"Sneaky little boy." I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He took the keys to my dorm from my pocket and put me down as he opened the door. He waited for me to get in like a gentleman.

"So. How does the test work?" Jisung asked as he sat down on my little stool.
"I'm just gonna pee on a stick that's all." I said and took the test from my purse.
"Oh. Okay. So am I just gonna wait here or?" He asked.
"Yes dummy." I ruffled his hair and then I went to the bathroom.

After I took the test, I put the lid back on the part I peed on.

I was so nervous I just sat there on the floor as I waited for the line... or two lines to appear. Then I saw one line, but there was another line that was very light. I put my hand over my mouth shakily as the other line got darker. I then put the test on the floor as I covered my whole face with my palms.

I was pregnant...

-half an hour later-

<Jisung pov >

Soyeon had been in the bathroom for a while now and I didn't really know how the test worked, but I had a feeling it was done already.

I went to the door and knocked on it twice.
"Babe? Is everything good?" I asked through the door. I didn't get a response.

Then I heard the lock open and there she was standing with tears on her face.
"I'm pregnant." She said and I wiped her tears away with my thumbs.
"We're gonna go through this together." I whispered as I hugged her gently.

"I want to go home." She sobbed as she wrapped her arms around my waist.
"Then let's go home. All three of us." I said as I pulled away to kiss her cheek.
"The baby is not bigger than a pea yet. I'm not sure if we can even call it a baby yet." She chuckled in the middle of sobbing.
"I don't care. I'm going to think of it as a baby... our baby." I said and got on my knees to caress her tummy.
"Our baby." Soyeon whispered as more tears slid out of her eyes.

-two days later-

I had called to Soyeon's mother and asked her if it was okay for Soyeon to go back home already. She had said that the police have already caught the kidnapper twice, but every time he has gotten away. But I told her that Soyeon was so homesick she couldn't take it any longer. We agreed on that the security of the house would be stronger from now on and every time Soyeon left the house there had to be at least four bodyguards with her.

I went to wait for Soyeon outside of her history class. When people started coming out I went inside and saw Soyeon still taking notes at her desk. She was so cute.

I went up to her and lowered my head to give her a kiss on the cheek. She was so concentrated to her work she didn't notice that it was me and she slapped me.

The look on her face after she realized was priceless.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you were here. What are you even doing here?" She said and quickly stood up to caress my red cheek.
"I came here to tell you something, but I guess I should've just waited outside." I chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"What is it?" She asked and did that little jump to pull her jeans up.
"We're going home." I said and grabbed her hand.

"Really? Home?" She asked as her face lit up.
"Yes. And then we're going to talk to your parents about our baby." I said nervously and smiled at her sweetly.
"I really love you." She said happily and hugged my waist. Her face buried in my chest she squeezed me so hard I had to tap her arm three times.
"Chill." I chuckled.

<Soyeon pov >

We were packing our stuff... well I was packing my stuff. Jisung didn't really have that much thing's to pack anyway.

"When does the plane leave?" I asked as I threw my favorite bra in my bag.
"In six hours. We have to leave soon." Jisung said and packed his toothbrush.

When we were ready to leave we went to give the key to my dorm to the old lady.

Then we went outside to greet Gary who was already waiting for us.
"Going home already?" He asked jokingly.
"We have a good reason." Jisung said and glared at Gary.

Jisung opened the door to the backseat for me and I was about to get in the car.
"Wait!" We then heard Minho's voice.

There they were. Jeongin and Minho standing and panting in front of me and Jisung.
"We're gonna miss you." Jeongin said and hugged me.

Minho was looking at me and just waved at me before I got in the car.

Gary started the car.

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