Part 36: This is not goodbye

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<Jisung pov >

I felt the bright sun shine straight into my eyes as I opened my eyes. I turned around and saw Soyeon by my side. She was sleeping so beautifully.

I drew stars on her forehead with my index finger as her eyes fluttered open.
"Good morning handsome." She said.
"Good morning beautiful." I said back and just stared at her beautiful dark brown eyes.

We got up and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Soyeon's whole family was there and there was also Felix, Hyunjin and Chan.

"What are you doing here?" I asked grinning ear to ear as I gave them all hugs.
"We're saying our goodbyes." Felix said and looked at Soyeon.

"No goodbyes. Just byes. Please." Soyeon said as she also gave hugs to all of them.
"Sit down kids." Mrs Kim said and we all sat down to the full table.

"Wow. This is- this is the best mom." Soyeon said while giving her mom a hug.

The table was full of different kind of foods. It looked like a breakfast buffet from a five star hotel.

I took bacon and eggs onto my plate and tasted them. It was the BEST bacon that I had ever tasted.
"Wow this is amazing." I wowed as I widened my eyes dramatically. My mouth was full of everything as I stuffed myself.

"Okay calm down squirrel." Soyeon laughed.
"As everyone is here I have an announcement to make." Soyeon then stood up and everyone shut their mouths.
"Go ahead." Woojin said.

"Jisung is involved in it as well." She then looked at me and I was shooketh.
"Wait a second. Are you sure?" I asked with my mouth still stuffed.
"Yes. Just if you want to." She said and I stood up as quickly as possible and almost fell.

"Are you gonna say it?" I asked and she just grabbed my hand while smiling sweetly.
"The two of us are dating." She said and her mothers face lit up.
"Congratulations!" She cheered and stood up as well and started giving kisses to Soyeon's cheeks.

Her dad was glaring at me as the others started clapping their hands.
"When's the wedding?" Her dad then smiled. I think it was the first time I ever saw him smile.

We all chatted and laughed a LOT. And then it was time for Soyeon to leave to the airport.
She walked to her room to change and I sneaked after her.

<Soyeon pov >

I went to my room and took off my pajama shirt.

"Woo I like." I heard Jisung saying from my door.
I turned around towards him and chuckled.
"Well then you better take a closer look." I said seductively.

I went up to him and he kinda looked around in the hallway to check we were alone.
I pulled him in by grabbing his pants.

He flinched as I squeezed his crotch.

I got down on my knees and pulled down his pants. I wrapped my hand around his cock.
"Agh." Jisung moaned and I pulled his foreskin back and front a couple times as I then put it in my mouth. I pushed my head forward as much as I could and that activated my gag reflex. I gagged and he pulled out of my mouth.

"Sorry." He laughed.
"It isn't your fault that you have a big dick." I laughed and got up.
"Wait you're not going to stop now are you?" Jisung whined as I pulled up his pants.
"Have to. My plane leaves in a hour." I said gave him a kiss.

I then went to my closet and picked out a pick lace bra.

"Take my hoodie." Jisung then said and pulled his hoodie over his head revealing his perfect abs.
"Huh?" I looked at him in awe.
"Yeah take it. And let me give you more hoodies before you leave. That way you can wear them and never forget me." He said and handed me the green hoodie.

"You're so sweet. Did you know that it's every girls dream to get hoodies from the person they like?" I said and put the hoodie on.

"Yeah I did." Jisung smiled.

"Ok help me get these bags downstairs." I said and we picked up the three bags.

We walked down the stairs and when Jisung put down the bags he was holding he ran into his room to put a shirt on before anybody saw anything.

"Okay. Let me introduce Gary to you." Mom said as a muscular white tall man in a black suit stepped in.
"Hi I'm Gary. I'm your new personal bodyguard." He said in English.

"Mom what is this?" I asked disappointed.
"I got you a new bodyguard. He is nothing like your last one so he can be trusted." She said happily.
"I'm so not going to walk around at the campus with a bodyguard." I said and then Jisung walked in with arms full of hoodies.

"Who's he?" Jisung asked and looked at me after pointing at Gary.
"He's Soyeon's bodyguard and don't worry. He'll take good care of your girlfriend." Mom said.

"Hold my hoodies." Jisung said in English and emptied his arms into Gary's.

Jisung glared deep in Gary's blue eyes. To be honest Gary seemed to be scared of him.

"Yeah I don't trust him." Jisung then said and looked at my mom.
"But you were there when our house was broke into and Soyeon was almost stabbed. Don't you think it would be better if she was safe?" My dad said.

"Of course she has to be safe, but I think she'll be just fine on her own." Seungmin spoke up.

"And I'm a known person only in Korea, so fans won't be a problem." I said and looked at the clock on the wall.

"Anyway we need to hurry." I then said and we started packing the car.

We were driving to the airport and in the backseat was me, Jisung and Seungmin.

We were hugging with Jisung the whole drive.

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