Part 28: I've already seen your dick before

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<Jisung pov >

"I'm all ears." I said as a tear slid down her face. I wiped it off with my thumb.

"I'm leaving." She said quietly.
"What? You're leaving? When? Where? For how long?" I asked as I looked at her teary face.

"I'm leaving next week. I'm going to a boarding school in America. And my mom said it's until my kidnappers are in jail." She sobbed.

I felt my eyes also getting teary.

"Is that what your mom told you at the hospital the other day?" I asked and she nodded while wiping her tears.

"Come here." I pulled her into a hug. I caressed the back of her head as her head was against my chest and she was just crying her eyes out on my bare skin. It made me sad to feel all those tears drop from her eyes.

I also started crying and I did it as silently as possible trying not to make her more sad.

We were not exclusive yet, but it felt like it and now she was leaving? Who knows how long it'll take for the criminals to be found?!??!! I felt like a big part of me was being torn out of me as I listened to her sobbing.

Then she sat back up and wiped her tears away. I quickly did the same. Both of our eyes were puffy which was kinda funny.

"Well I guess I'm just gonna have to cum into your mouth today." I smirked while still kinda crying.
"Yeah I think you will." She chuckled.

"I think we should both take a shower." I said and she nodded.

I was already going to get up, but she pulled my hand and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me again. "I'm gonna miss a lot of things, but I'm mostly gonna miss you." She whispered into my ear and gave it a kiss. I hugged her back and we just hugged for minutes. After it had been 20 minutes we decided to take showers.

"You go first." She said.
"No you should." I said back and this kept going for like ten minutes.

"Okay let's compromise. Let's save water and just shower together." She said and walked into the bathroom not closing the door after her.

"Wait are you serious?" I asked, but not loud enough for her to hear me.

I ran after her and there she was already taking off her crop top.
"You have to tell me more. I don't always know if you're joking or serious." I said and she just took off her top looking at me straight into my eyes.

She was now wearing only her bra as the top.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" She smirked and that turned me on again.

"Well fuck this shit! I'm in!" I cheered and took off my sweatpants and now I was ONLY wearing my underwear.

She took off her shorts and now she was only wearing her underwear as well.

"Do you want to take this off?" She asked and turned around looking over her shoulder as she took ahold of her hair.

"Heck yeah." I said and got closer. I put my hands on the clip of her bra and opened it surprisingly fast.

She turned back around and her bra was just there. Then she slowly slipped it off while smirking at my red face. Then she turned around taking off her panties and going in the shower. I had a boner obviously.

I took off my underwear and followed her.

She had already turned on the shower ( and me ;)) and she was soaked in water. I stepped into the shower kinda covering my cock.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now