Part 5: The birth of a love triangle

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<Soyeon pov>

"Mom." I called out as I got home after seeing Jisung.
"Yes, honey?" She answered and came to me.
"I want to break up with Felix." I said and my mom's smile disappeared.

"Already? What did he do?" Mom asked a bit of worry in her voice.
"Nothing. I just feel uncomfortable around him and I don't like him." I said and my mom nodded.
"Honey I completely understand. But break up? What are we gonna say to his parents?" My mom asked and I just hugged her.
"You're the best mom ever! You'll figure it out. Hwaiting!" I Cheered and ran up to my room.

I checked my phone if there was any messages. There was.

Hi. 👋🏻

At first I thought it could be Felix, but I realized it could also be Jisung, since I gave him my number.

Who is this?

Han Jisung

Knew it (• —— •)

name changed to
squirrel boi

Squirrel boi:
So... about earlier

Oh... I'm sorry

I just had to check something

Squirrel boi:
Yeah u already told me
that... What did you check??

I had to check if I have feelings for you

Squirrel boi:
Do you?

Secret 🤫

I smiled at my phone. I really do have feelings for him. He's the only guy that doesn't fall on my feet. And I did the first move on him, not the other way around as usual.

I drifted off to dreamland as soon as I put my phone away.

-next morning-

I woke up to a weird feeling of being watched. As soon as I opened my eyes I saw Lee Felix.

"Good morning, sunshine." He said in his deep voice and kissed my forehead.

"DON'T DO THAT!" I yelled pretty loudly.

"Sorry." He apologized quickly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Your mom let me in. I'm gonna drive you to school. Also I'm gonna be with you for the whole day so, no guards needed." He said and smiled.

"No guards? Count me in!" I cheered and crawled out of bed.
"Could you excuse yourself for a moment?" I asked politely and Felix left without saying anything.

I put on my school uniform and went to get breakfast.

(How their uniforms look like at  Soyeon's school^^)

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(How their uniforms look like at  Soyeon's school^^)

"Don't you have school today?" I asked Felix Who was looking at me while I was eating.
"No. When I was in middle school I skipped three classes because I was too good for my grade." Felix said and smiled.
"Cool." I said.

My mom walked into the kitchen.
"Morning." She said cheerfully.
"Mom. Can we talk?" I asked.
"Of course." She said and Felix realized that he had to leave us for a moment.

"Why is he still acting like a boyfriend?" I asked silently.
"I talked to your dad about it and he insisted on you dating for the one month that we agreed on. I also told Felix that you felt uncomfortable with him, so he will try to not make you uncomfortable in any way. He even got rid of your guards."  Mom said that all with one breath.

"But mom. You never forced me to do anything before." I pouted.
"Yes, and you have to learn life. We decided that if you will be single next Christmas, we'll arrange you a marriage." Mom said and my jaw dropped.


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