Part 41: Happy ever after (final chapter)

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<Soyeon pov >

We arrived home and went to knock on the door. It didn't take long for my mom to open the door.

"Hi m-" I started as I saw my mom, but she cut me off by giving me a warm motherly hug.

"I missed you baby." She said and let go of me. There were clear tears of joy in the corners of her eyes, and she wiped them with her middle fingers.

"I missed you too mom." I said and smiled at her as Jisung also hugged her and carried our bags inside.

As we went to the living room I was showered with hugs and kisses from my whole family. They all seemed super happy, but I felt a weird tension in the air.

As everyone had calmed down, we sat down on the sofas and there was an awkward silence.

"We have something to tell you." Dad sighed after looking at mom.
"Are you getting a divorce?" I asked and they seemed surprised.
"How did you know?" Mom questioned.
"It's been kind of obvious for a long time." Seungmin said and stood up.

He was going upstairs and signaled Woojin to follow. Jisung and I were left with my parents alone.

"We actually have something to say too." Jisung then blurted our. It shocked me, because I knew he was going to say something about my pregnancy.
"No! Not yet." I rushed to say as I tugged on his sleeve.

- two months later-

I was sleeping as my alarm rang telling me to wake up. It was currently the last week before summer.

(I had applied to 3 different universities just yesterday, and of course Jisung had to apply to the same ones. )

I got up and went to my closet to get my uniform. I looked at the mirror after taking of my pajama shirt.

I widened my eyes as I saw the baby bump. I slowly spun around as I stared at my belly.
"Hi there little." I whispered and caressed the bump.
I have no idea how I hadn't seen that earlier, but I guess I just haven't looked in the mirror for a while.

I was putting on my button-up shirt as I realized that if I had now seen it, other people must have also seen it. "Now everyone probably thinks that I've gained weight from eating too much, including my family." I whined to myself as I took off my shit again.

I put the button-up shirt away and decided to take a white hoodie instead. After doing my skincare routine, I went downstairs straight to Jisung's room... yes... he was still living at our place, and my mom had even said that he can stay for the rest of his life if he wants to.

Jisung was still sleeping in his bed with his blanket between his legs. He looked like a little baby.
"Are you even an adult?" I chuckled as I crouched down to play with his hair.
He fluttered his eyes open and smiled right away after seeing me.

"Good morning beautiful." He yawned and sat up to hug me.
"Morning handsome." I said back and kissed his cheek.

"Why are you wearing a hoodie? You are aware that it's burning hot out there, right?" Jisung asked and tied my hoodie strings to a nice little bow.
"It's to hide my baby bump." I sighed and caressed my tummy again.
"What? There's a bump? I haven't even noticed yet! Show me!" Jisung said excitedly.

I chuckled as I lifted up my hoodie and showed my tummy to the dad of the child I was carrying.
"Wow. Hello there little one. Are you a boy or a girl? I really want to know. Not that it matters." Jisung talked to the bump as he squatted down to its level.

"I can't tell my parents yet." I sighed.
"But we have to." Jisung said and kissed my forehead.

- two more months later-

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