Part 24: Pepperoni pizza

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<no one pov>

They had ordered the pizza and were now waiting for it. They were playing Rock Paper Scissors.

"Rock paper scissors! Ugh."
"We literally share the same braincell at this moment." Jisung chuckled looking at their rocks.
"This is boring like this. Let's do something else." Soyeon whined.

"Ok how about... the blushing game?" Jisung asked with a smirk on his face.
"What's that?"
"It's a game where we try our best to make the other party blush and the one who blushes first is the loser." Jisung explained.
"Let's do that." Soyeon agreed and they started.

At first they were just staring at each other and then Jisung blew a kiss at Soyeon.
"Oh, come on. Is that all you got?" Soyeon laughed.
"Oh definitely not." Jisung said as he got on his knees and got closer to Soyeon.

He leaned towards her ear and whispered: "Your so hot when you laugh."

Soyeon bursted out laughing. She was laughing uncontrollably.

"This is how you do it watch and learn." She said with a smirk on her face.

She put her hand on Jisung's thigh and squeezed it making Jisung as red as a tomato.

"Gotcha!" Soyeon did her little winning dance again.
"That's unfair. I bet you three million won you would blush from that too." Jisung said nervously while biting the inside of his cheek.

"Oh you better give me my money then." Soyeon chuckled not expecting his next move.

Jisung got closer and put his hand on Soyeon's thigh and squeezed it but he didn't let go after that. With his other hand he pushed Soyeon down on the bed and hovered over her still his hand on her thigh. She was blushing so hard.

"I guess I won this one." Jisung smirked as he was about to lean in for a kiss. Then the door opened and the delivery guy came in with the pepperoni pizza they ordered.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now