Part 18: Sex slave

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<no one pov>

A big man was carrying a lifeless body through the huge ass forest. There was a rode pretty close, but if anyone would've passed through there they couldn't see the character. The man was wearing a mask and had Kim Soyeon on his shoulder. She was still breathing, but she looked dead and her head was bleeding from the back.

The man stopped a few feet away from the road. He took off his mask and put Soyeon on the ground carefully.
"I'm sorry. I have to do this. They paid me more than your dad ever," He said and chuckled.

He checked her pulse and nodded happily. Then a black van drove there and stopped in front of them. Another masked man stepped out of the van and opened the back of it.

"Is she still alive?" He asked.
"Yes. But, she has a bleeding wound on the back of her head. It should be treated as quickly as possible." The man put Soyeon carefully into the trunk.
"It isn't your problem anymore. She belongs to my master now. The money will be transferred to your account tonight." He said and closed the back door before hopping back to the passengers seat. The van drove off with Soyeon.

<Jisung pov>

We had been looking for Soyeon for over five hours now and I had already lost my voice from shouting so much.
"We should go back to the cabin soon." Hyunjin said.
"No. Not until we find her." I said and kept walking forwards.
"We'll be lost soon if we go any further." Chan said agreeing with Hyunjin.
"I remember the way we came. We passed a road and a big tree with a cross on it." Felix said being on my side.
"Or maybe we should just wait for the police to do their job and we should go home." Hyunjin said with a tear dropping from his eye.

But I just couldn't... I couldn't just leave her out there. Why does this have to happen now? I already regret everything. Maybe if I didn't come to this whole trip it all would've been easier. She would've fallen for Felix and not for me, she probably would've not went out to get her towel at that exact moment. Or maybe I'm just overthinking.

"Fine." I finally said and turned around to go back to the cabin.
"Huh?" Felix said aloud.

We all ended up going back home.

As I stepped through my door I broke down on the floor. I just cried. I cried my eyes out. I then decided to try to go to sleep as Hyunjin had advised.

<no one pov>

The black van drove to a big building. It  drove straight to a big garage full of cars. It didn't park anywhere but it drove straight to a door that opened to show an elevator for cars.

The van drove into the elevator that went down as soon as the whole vehicle was in it. In the trunk of the van started small movement. Soyeon was slowly waking up.

<Soyeon pov>

I started opening my eyes slightly but couldn't clearly see. I felt this huge pain in the back of my head. I hissed because of the pain and sat up and finally my sight started to come back.

I carefully touched the hurting part of my head and looked at my fingers. It was blood. There was also a small amount of it on the floor.

I felt like I was in an elevator, but my surroundings didn't look like that. I got scared. I don't get scared really easily, but this time it was hard to stay calm... well just imagine yourself to my place.

The "elevator" stopped suddenly and I heard a sound that sounded like a car door opening and closing. Then there were foot steps. Suddenly a big door was opened right before my eyes. There were five men standing in front of me and four of them were wearing masks except a smaller guy behind them. He had dirt all over him and he looked like he was really young, probably my age. He had a broom in his hands and he was cleaning the floor.

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