Part 32: Stitch you up

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<Soyeon pov >

The last class was finally over and we were waiting in front of the detention class. There was one person with us there.

"You two are in detention?" He asked and looked at us.
"Yes." Jisung answered and held my hand.
"For what?"
"None of your business." I said and gave him a death glare. I really didn't like him. He was giving me the bully vibe.
"Well I'm Changbin. Nice to meet you." He said and reached out his hand.

I ignored it, but Jisung shook his hand.

"I'm Jisung and this is-"
"Kim Soyeon. Do you actually think I don't know her?" Changbin laughed.
"Well I was just gonna-" Jisung started again, but he got cut off again.

"You and I could get boba sometime. You in?" Changbin asked and winked at me.
"Dude. She's mine." Jisung said and squeezed my hand harder.
"Do I look like I care? We can share." Changbin chuckled.

Jisung let go of my hand and pushed Changbin so hard he fell. He chuckled on the floor while smirking and then he stood up and punched Jisung.

I covered my mouth with my hands and gave that guy a death glare as I was going to see if Jisung was okay, but before I even opened my mouth Jisung already had punched him back. Then he pushed Changbin again and got on top of him.

I didn't know what to do. Should I scream? Should I call someone? Should I call my bodyguard who was currently in the bathroom? I didn't know, so I just stood there covering my mouth.

Jisung was beating up that guy's face and then Changbin punched back. Now Jisung flew off of him and he got on top of Jisung. Now Jisung was the one getting beat up.

"Stop!" I screamed at them without getting any reaction to my words.
"Stop it!" I screamed again starting to sob at the sight of Jisung's bloody face.

"Get off him!!" I sobbed and fell on my knees. I crawled over to them while sobbing and tried to pull Changbin away from Jisung.

It didn't work, but instead Changbin's fist got closer to my face and got in contact with my nose. There was a loud and painful cracking noise. It felt like someone stabbed me with a needle hundreds of times after throwing a rock at my nose. My nose was bleeding and I guess Changbin noticed what happened. He got off of Jisung and quickly stood up.

They both had bloody and bruised faces and Jisung's lip was split. They both looked awful and worried as well.

"Omg! Are you ok? I didn't mean to hit you! I'm sorry!" Changbin said and bowed at me many times in a 90 degree angle.

"I'm fine." I said while crying like a baby.
"Ok. Come on. Detention can wait we're taking you to the nurses office." Jisung said and picked me up bridal style.

"I'm not the one who needs a nurse right now. Look at yourself!" I sobbed as I caressed his cheek. He winched at the pain.
"I can take it. I've got hurt before." Jisung said as Changbin was making gag noises behind us.

<Jisung pov >

We arrived at the school nursery door and barged in there.

The school nurse was looking at us with wide eyes.
"What happened to you?" She asked as I put Soyeon down.

"Those two had a fight." Soyeon said wiping her tears and getting them mixed with the blood running down from her nose.
"What about you then?" The nurse asked looking at Soyeon.
"I tried to brake them apart and got hit." She explained.

"We'll sit down on that bed all of you." The nurse said and we did as told. She went to her desk and took something.

She then came back with a lot of paper and two bottles of something. She also had a little metal box.

"First of all try to stop that bleeding." She told Soyeon.
"And you go to the mirror to clean up your face from the blood with water." She then told Changbin who got up without saying anything.
"And you. I'm gonna clean your face with this liquid and paper. It will sting, but I hope you will stay still." She told me and took the bottle with blue liquid in it.

She put some of in on paper and wiped my face with the soft paper. It hurt so much. Especially when she wiped clean my lips.

"Stay still. I'm going to stitch you up." The nurse said.

"Stay still. I'm gonna stitch you up."

Those were the last words that boy called Minho said before being shot to death. I saw him every night in my dreams and now I was crying again.

"What's wrong?" The nurse asked quickly right before putting the string through the needle.

"Nothing it's just- it's just the pain in my nose."

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now