Part 37: Well hello

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<Soyeon pov >

"So I guess this is it." I said as I looked at the gate.
"Goodbye." Felix said as a tear slipped out of his eye.
"Oh Felix. This is not goodbye." I said and gave him a hug.
"Me too." Hyunjin whined and then I gave him a hug too.
"Me three." Chan copied Hyunjin and I gave him a hug.
"I'm not gonna do that, but I still want a hug." Seungmin said and opened his arms and I squeezed him.

"Me five." Woojin copied Hyunjin too and everyone looked at him.
"What? We're not doing that anymore?" He asked and I just chuckled as I gave him a warm hug.

Then I hugged my parents and last but DEFINITELY not least, I hugged Jisung.

"I love you." I whispered into his ear. His heartbeat speeded up as he gave my neck a quick kiss.
"I love you too." Jisung whispered and pulled away from the hug.

"What are you doing? Kiss your girlfriend we won't look." Mom said and Jisung smiled at her sweetly.

"Thank you." He then said before pulling my hand and closing the gap between our lips.

He kissed me softly and I heard my dad gasping along with Felix.

Jisung turned his head and parted our lips for a second before kissing me again.

"Ok that's enough." My dad said and we pulled away smiling.

"It's time to go or you'll miss your flight." Woojin said and I nodded while lifting up my bags.
"You better sit at least three rows away from me." I said to Gary in English as he took two of my bags.

Then we turned around to go through the gate. I turned around right before it.

"I love you all." I said to my family and friends and then I walked into the plane.

I was scared and felt lonely as I put my bags up with Gary. I then went to sit in my seat as he went three rows behind me as I told him to. I was just going to put my AirPods in when someone sat beside me.

He accidentally tripped and pushed me with his bag.

"Sorry. I'm sorry." He said in Korean and bowed three times.
"I'll sit here. Hi." He said and reached out his hand.
"Well hello." I said back and shook his hand.
"Holy shit. Are you Kim Soyeon?" He asked.
"Umm. Yeah. Do I know you?" I asked and he shook his head.
"I just know you and umm... my friend goes to your school. Or... Ex friend." He said and scratched the back of his neck.

"So I don't think I got your name yet?" I said and he smiled widely.

"It's Yang Jeongin." He said and I realized he had braces.
"Cute braces. They fit you." I said and put away my AirPods.
"Thank you. You're cute too." He said and I chuckled at him.

"Well I didn't actually- whatever." I Smiled and started reading a magazine.

The flight took 13 hours and 35 minutes and when we finally landed in Chicago I was relieved. I got out of the plane with Gary and we went to a car which was waiting for us.

I heard a lot of English everywhere.

As Gary started the car I saw that boy from the plane. He looked kinda lost and he was trying to get a taxi.
"Hey Gary pull over to the side please." I said and he did as told.

I got out of the car and went up to Jeongin.
"Hey." I said and tapped on his shoulder.
"Oh hi. Are you also trying to get a taxi?" He asked as he was trying to balance four bags in his hands.

"No. Can you tell me where you are going and maybe my driver can drop you there? It's like a free taxi." I said and his face lit up.

"Really you'd do that? Thank you so much. I'm going to the North Michigan lake school. It's kind of far so it's ok if you can't take me." He said and I smiled at him.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now