Part 7: confess

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Felix took me home, since my mom would've been kinda confused if I didn't come with him.

-In the car-

"I don't like your friend." Felix said suddenly.
"Why?" I asked.
"He doesn't see you as a friend." Felix sighed.

I lifted my head up and looked at Felix.
"What do you see me as?" I then asked.
"My girlfriend." He said not even hesitantly.
"How about you? What do you see me as?" Felix asked and looked at me really quick.
"As a guy that I've been forced to date." I said and he laughed.

"I get it. You don't have to like me, but I like you. We're going to get married anyway, so I have plenty of time to make you fall in love with me." He said and stopped the car.

"No we're not." I said and then he went over the edge. He started touching me. First he took my hand to his and then he petted my thigh. I felt super uncomfortable, but at the same time I liked it. I've never been touched like that.

I started imagining him as Jisung. The thing that woke me up from my thoughts was that he started putting his hand under my skirt.

 The thing that woke me up from my thoughts was that he started putting his hand under my skirt

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I quickly pushed his hand away and he smirked.

"You like me touching you, so why not just keep going?" He asked and started the car again.
"I don't like you touching me. It makes me uncomfortable." I said and tried to stay calm. It was true tho... cuz I started thinking he was Jisung that's why I didn't stop him earlier.

His smile dropped and he looked pissed.
"Who then? That friend of yours? Or is he something more than a friend? Is he your secret high school crush?" Felix asked.
"Yeah. I think you could say that." I sighed getting pissed as well.
"Unbelievable. You said yes. You could've said no to dating me, but you said yes." Felix said trying to calm down.
"Well I'm sorry." I said and we were finally at my home.

As soon as Felix stopped the car, I walked out and went straight to my room.

I saw plenty of messages from Jisung.

Squirrel boi:
Did you get home?

Squirrel boi:
Did Felix do something?

Squirrel boi:
Was your dad pissed at him

Squirrel boi:
Please don't tell me anything
happened to you

Squirrel boi:
Please answer as soon
as you get this!!!

I'm fine

I got home safely

I don't know if my
dad was pissed or even home

Something did happen
but I'd rather talk about it f2f

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now