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<Soyeon pov >

Jisung and I were doing our homework and studying in my room.
"So... are we just gonna study?" He then asked and closed his book while looking at me.
"Yes we are." I said and kept writing in my notebook.

"Why do you have to study so hard?" Jisung then whined like a little kid and bended over and pressed his face on my side.
"Because I have to be fluent in English." I said and ruffled his hair.
"But you already are." Jisung pouted and wrapped his hands around my torso.

"I'll give you a blowjob after studying. Deal?" I smirked and he nodded his head excitedly. "Now read your book." I said and pushed him away.

"Ok mom." Jisung said and opened his book.
"Haha. Funny." I chuckled and pushed Jisung who was trying his best to pout even though he was smiling.

-1 hour later-

Jisung has fallen asleep with his head on my lap. He was so cute.

I put away my pencil and notes, and started caressing his cheeks. I then bended down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. I then heard a loud noise of glass breaking from downstairs. After that there were a lot of loud foot steps.

"Hey Jisung?" I started shaking Jisung awake.
"Huh?" Jisung asked sleepily.
"I think someone's breaking in." I whispered and he looked scared as well.

"Let's get under your bed." Jisung said and we both got off the bed. Then we both crawled under the bed.

It didn't take long until the door to my room was slowly opened. I shut my eyes close and squeezed Jisung's hand. He pulled me closer to himself and caressed my back to give me comfort.

After a while Jisung stopped and I felt his heartbeat raised rapidly. I opened my eyes and then I realized what was wrong.

There was someone staring right into my eyes. I then recognized him. It was the man who had raped me. I got suddenly so scared and a tear slipped out of my eye.

"Ok guys. Take them out of there!" He yelled at the other people in the room who then pulled us to different directions.

As they held us up we were trying to escape.

"Why are you here? What do you want from me?!" I sobbed.
"I simply need to hand you over to a friend. And I also am very disappointed that you ran away." The man said and Jisung looked so confused.

"Who are you?" Jisung then said.
"Oh me? No who are you?" The guy said.
"I'm her boyfriend." Jisung said angrily and spat on the guy's shoe.
"Well. You are also a witness. I'll deal with you later." The guy said and made a "shoo" sign with his hands and then the bigger guy holding him pushed him out of the room and closed the door. Then that guy came to my other side.

Then there was loud knocking and thumping made by Jisung who was desperately trying to get in.

"There's one thing I have to do before we pass you on. This is for you stealing guns from my guys." He said and slapped me across the face. I tasted blood in my mouth.

"This is for you running away." He said and slapped me again.

"This is for you describing me to the police." He said and punched me in the stomach.

Then the noise from outside the room stopped.

"And this is for your pitiful little boyfriend who seemingly doesn't care about you." He then said and took out a pocket knife.

"No, no, no! Don't! Please!" I started screaming. The pain from hitting and slapping I could still take, but if he would stab me I would literally pass out from the pain.

"Oh this is going to hurt just a little... or a lottle. You see what I did there? It was funny right?" He chuckled at the big men.

"Just wait until you get caught. I'll make sure you rot in jail!" I screamed at him.

"Stop moving or it'll hurt more than it has to." He said and pointed the knife at my thigh.

Then right when he was about to stab me, Jisung bursted through the door with my bodyguard.

"THIS IS SPARTA!!" Jisung yelled and punched a big guy who was holding me still.

"Hey what are you doing? We had a deal." The guy with the knife said to my bodyguard.

"What the fuck?" I said as Jisung was fighting the big guy on the floor.

"Oh, yeah. Your bodyguard is the one who gave you to us in the first place." The knife guy said casually. I felt betrayed and looked at my guard with teary eyes.

"They paid me good money. You know my mom needs money to pay the hospital bills." My guard said with obvious regret.

"And we are going to pay you even more. Now take that boy out of here." The guy said and pointed at Jisung who was currently kicking the big guy on the floor.

"But he told me he would double the price." My guard said and everyone in the room was shocked.

"He's gonna pay you 9,5 billion won?!"
(7 million€)(11 million$) The guy yelled in surprise and dropped his knife accidentally.

I was also shocked and looked over at Jisung. I knew he didn't have that kinda money.

"This is what you get when you touch my girl!" Jisung yelled and jumped on the big guy who was already unconscious.

"Sike!" Jisung then yelled as he surprise attacked the other guy holding me. The other guy punched Jisung in his abs. That turned on my hulk mode...

"BITCH THOSE ABS BELONG TO ME AND YOU DON'T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLES PROPERTY!!!" I shouted and then I jumped on the big guys back and started strangling him.

"You go girl!" Jisung cheered and went to snatch the knife from the floor.

"You leave out of here both of you right now." Jisung said while pointing the knife at my bodyguard and raper.

"But what about my money?" The guard asked but Jisung just made him leave.

Then the guy I was strangling passed out and fell. I was kinda shocked, but proud at the same time.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now