Part 6: It isn't cheating... right?

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<no one pov>

Jisung drove to school and he couldn't wait to see the girl who took his first kiss. He did see her right after arriving, but she already had company... that damn Felix.

People were stealing glances at Soyeon and Felix.

It was now time for the first period, it was history class. Jisung and Soyeon we're both in the same history class.

"I'll be right outside your classroom when you come out." Felix said and Soyeon went to class.

She decided to save the seat next to her to Jisung. When Jisung finally came to class, he didn't even hesitate and sat next to Soyeon.

<Soyeon pov>

"Morning." I greeted.
"Why is he here?" Jisung asked with jealousy in his voice.
"Your boyfriend." Jisung sighed.
"Felix? I don't like him being called my boyfriend." I said and Jisung suddenly smiled.

"I tried to break up with him already and the only reason I let him come with me, was because he got rid of my guards." I said and Jisung chuckled.

"Your Dad is gonna hate him for that."

"Yah! Now you made me feel like a bad person." I said and hit the laughing boy sitting beside me.
"But hey. You're not just a bad person. You're also a cheater." Jisung laughed.
"What do you mean?! I didn't cheat on him." I muttered remembering the little kiss from yesterday.

"Oh, you didn't?" Jisung smirked.
"It isn't cheating to peck someone." I said getting shy.
"On the lips? Well I guess holding hands wouldn't be that bad either." Jisung said and I looked at him, then I looked down at his hand. It was right there and I couldn't resist.

I put my hand on his. I saw him flinch in a cute way, but then he smiled at me.
"This is totally cheating." He whispered.
"Shut up or I'll let go of your hand." I threatened and he grabbed my hand. I knew if I would've tried to take my hand away, I couldn't do that.

-at the cafeteria three hours later-

I walked to the cafeteria with Felix. It was kinda weird that my fanboys weren't even yelling stuff like "i love you".
It was probably because of I was with a handsome guy.

"Go sit there. I'm gonna use the bathroom." Felix said and left.
Everyone seemed shocked. It was the first time ever that I was seen alone in school.

It took only seconds and I was surrounded by my fanboys. Here we go again...

"Who is he?"
"Are you dating him?"
"Is he a new guard?"
"Why are you like this Soyeon?!"

"Move, people! Out of my way!" I heard someone yell.
Everyone looked at that one person. I saw him... it was my saviour, Jisung.
"Who do you think you are?" One boy from the crowd asked from Jisung.
"I am Han Jisung. Nice to meet you." Jisung said and grabbed my hand. He dragged me out of the cafeteria to a quiet place, leaving all the confused boys behind.

"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said and he pulled me into a hug.
"Where did Felix go? I thought he was like supposed to be your guard." Jisung asked a bit concerned.
"Doesn't matter." I said and Jisung pulled away from the hug just a bit.

"Do you mind cheating on him a bit more?" Jisung asked smirking at me stupidly.
"Yah! What do you take me as?" I pushed him and tried my best trying not to laugh, but failed miserably. He also laughed and then started running around me and doing these random kissing noises.

"Soyeon!" We both heard the calling. Then Felix ran there. If he would've came a few seconds earlier he would've seen the us running around and laughing together... or even hugging.

"Oh god. I was so worried." Felix sighed and ran to me. He pulled me in for a hug, but I didn't hug him back. I just looked at Jisung who was looking at the ground uncomfortably. Then he raised his eyes from the ground and cleared his throat loudly as possible.

"And who the fuck are you?" Felix asked and let go of me.
"I'm Soyeon's... friend." Jisung said looking at me.
"Well I'm her boyfriend, so back off asshole." Felix said angrily and pushed Jisung.

"Hey! Stop it!" I shouted and ran to Jisung to check if he was okay.
"Oh, I know everything about your relationship." Jisung said angrily to Felix.

<Jisung pov>

"Oh really? Do you know that we cuddled while watching movies?" Felix said proudly.

'Do you know that we kissed'

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now