Part 22: Why you touch my sausage?

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Yup the name of this chapter has nothing to do with anything XD

<no one pov>
(at the Kim's house)

Jisung was peacefully sleeping at the guest room of Soyeon's house, but suddenly there was a loud noise that came from upstairs. It came from Seungmin's room. Jisung's eyes shot open and he sat up yawning. This was the best night sleep he had in a week.

Then there were loud steps coming from the stairs and Jisung decided to go see what was going on.

He walked out of the room scratching his head and half asleep. He then saw Seungmin rushing towards the door with his phone in his hand.

"What happened?" Jisung asked and went after Seungmin.

"It's the hospital! Soyeon was just found!" Seungmin said with tears of joy in his eyes while he started putting on his shoes.
"Should I go wake Woojin up?" Jisung asked with comfort filling his heart. He wanted so bad to see her.
"No Woojin's not here. He's at work." Seungmin said as he opened the door.
"Wait for me!" Jisung shouted after Seungmin and ran after him in only his socks.

They got into Seungmin's car and drove off towards the hospital.

"So tell me everything you know now." Jisung said with tears forming in his eyes and a wide smile on his face.
"She was found like half an hour ago and she was unconscious then. The person who called her an ambulance was an old lady who was walking her dog. And she is in the hospital room 503. I started running out of my room after hearing all of that and didn't listen anymore of it." Seungmin said with his eyes on the road.

<Jisung pov>

Finally we arrived at the hospital parking lot and I opened the door and started running even though the car hadn't even stopped yet. I ran to the information desk.

"Where is room 503?" I panted as I asked the man behind the desk.
"Up those stairs and to the left." He said while pointing at a staircase behind him.

I didn't even remember to thank him, because I just started running. I ran up the stairs and to the left.

'496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502 ... here it is 503.' I walked through the hallway and finally got to the right room. I opened the door carefully and got in. There she was peacefully and beautifully sleeping on the hospital bed. I went closer and sat on the bed.

"Why are you so pale? Where were you?" I started silently sobbing as I caressed her soft pale cheek. She was so thin and bony I couldn't look at her without crying. Then Seungmin rushed through the door. He just stood there looking at Soyeon. He had this weird mixture of sadness, sorry and happiness on his face. He then closed the door and walked closer.

I hopped off the bed giving the siblings their space. Seungmin got on his knees and held Soyeon's hand.

"Why would you disappear like that? Why would you go missing for a week and suddenly come back looking like a whole different person? Why are you so skinny? Have you eaten? Are you hydrated? Are you alive?" Seungmin blurted our questions as he was crying his eyes out.

That's when a nurse suddenly walked in.

"Hello. You must be the patients brothers. " She said and smiled at us.
"Uh? I'm actually n-"
"Yes. We are." Seungmin said not letting me finish.

"That's great. I know how worried you must have been." She said.

"Yeah. So what's up with her?" I asked.

"She has a minor concussion, an undernourishment, dehydration and we found some bits of unidentified poison in her blood. That is all we know for now. She has been sleeping ever since she was brought here and she was in a drip just now. We haven't took X-rays yet, but we'll do that after she wakes up if there's any pain anywhere in her body." The nurse explained to us and we just nodded to everything she said.

"I'll let you stay here with her for now and just press the red button on the side of her bed or go out of the room to get a nurse here if she wakes up or anything else happens." She said and then she left.

"Do you want something to eat?" Seungmin asked as he wiped away his tears that had stopped falling now.
"Yeah I'm pretty hungry." I said as I looked down at my stomach.
"I'll go to the cafe around the block to get Soyeon's favorite sandwich just in case she's hungry when she wakes up. What do you want eat?" Seungmin said as he stood up.

"I'll just order something." I said and Seungmin left while nodding.

I went back to Soyeon's bed and sat there just looking at her.
"Can't you just wake up? I really want to talk to you." I whispered.

She made this weird sound that was kinda like a mix of a moan and a groan. I was shocked. Why was I turned on by that? I blushed as I closed my eyes and then opened them again to see Soyeon slowly opening her eyes.
"Omg. Are you awake?" I asked and she smiled at me.

<Soyeon pov>

I looked at Jisung who was sitting there looking adorable as always. He was really there... or was I just dreaming? I reached out my hand and poked his forehead.
"You're real?" I asked with a big grin.
"Yes, I am. And so are the nurses that need to take a look at you." He said and was about to get up to go away. Probably just to go get me a nurse or something, but I was really scared to be alone right now so I just grabbed his soft hand and pulled him back.

"Don't leave me alone. Please?" I begged and he just smiled nodding his head.

He sat down on the edge on my hospital bed and pressed some red button. It took under two seconds for a nurse to get in there. She looked at me and after her there was another nurse with a tray full of food.

"Here. Before we take any x-rays or do any tests you have to eat and drink." They said and walked away. I just looked at the tray and almost puked at the sight of the porridge in front of me.

"Eat." Jisung said and looked at me like a puppy.
"I hate porridge." I said and just pouted knowing that I would have to eat something.

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