Part 9: seductive

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<no one pov>

Soyeon had already left for school and her brothers went shopping.

Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim were having a conversation.
"Do you really think they were talking about Felix?" Mr Kim asked and sipped his tea.

"Of course. He's the only guy Soyeon hangs out with." Mrs Kim said having no doubt.

"There is someone else. I'm sure of it. I mean, Soyeon has been running away from her guards lately, she leaves home more than usually, she talks on her phone with someone for hours and she always says that she's texting her friend when she smiles at her phone. Like since when did she have any friends?" Mr Kim said getting tired of his stubborn daughter.

"Maybe it's Felix? I have an idea!" Mrs Kim said to her husband and he finally tried to listen without getting bored.

"What if we try taking the wheel to ourselves and try to get them together. Like, we could make her do online school for a week and put her to live with Felix at one of our summer houses." Mrs Kim proposed and this time it didn't sound that bad.

"Will she say yes though? If you remember she wanted to break up with him the day they started dating." Mr Kim wondered.

"Of course she will. Just trust me." Mrs Kim insisted and finally got what she wanted.

<Felix pov>

I was hanging out with Hyunjin at his place when I got a call.
"I gotta answer this." I said and Hyunjin looked annoyed.
"We were just about to win!" He pouted.
"It's my mother-in-law." I said and Hyunjin suddenly looked uncomfortable.

<Hyunjin pov>

When i first heard about Felix dating Soyeon, I didn't want to believe. Because I now just well enough that she doesn't take proposals.

Not many people even know it, but I'm the person who took her first kiss. We had this little month that we hang out together last summer. Then I kissed her, because I thought she also had feelings for me, but turned out she didn't.

She didn't contact me anymore and here we are... I still have feelings for her.

Felix ended his call and looked at me with an exited look.

"What?" I asked kinda annoyed.
"Do you want to go on a little vacation?"

-a few days later-
<Soyeon pov>

Someone knocked on my door and I went to open it. It was my mom. I could see from her face that it was something about Felix that she wanted to talk about.

"So, your father and I..."
"No. My answer is no." I said coldly.

"You don't even know what I was going to say." She sulked.

"Well just say it then.
"You should hang out with your boyfriend more. We'll give one of our cottages for you to hang out with him. I mean your month is almost over." She said still sulking.
"Mom I have school." I stated a fact and my mom... smiled.

"You can do it online." She still tried proposing, but I didn't want to say yes.
"Mom. No." I said and sat on my bed.

"This time we won't take no as an answer." My dad walked into my room.
"What?" I was shocked. My parents aren't normally like this.

"We'll give you two options. Either you go  spend time at the cottage just with Felix, or you can take two friends with you." Dad said.
"But, I don't have two..."
"So only with Felix? Great choice." Dad chuckled knowing that I didn't have friends.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now