Part 19: swallow it

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⚠️This chapter might be very disturbing to some audiences!⚠️

<Soyeon pov>

The man suddenly stopped in front of a wooden black door, and took a deep breath. Then he knocked.
"Come on in!" Was heard from inside the room.

He opened the door and just threw me inside. It looked like an office with a man in a red suit behind his desk. The man who brought me there just closed the door and left.

"Oh. You? I didn't think I would've seen you out so quickly." The suit man chuckled and started opening drawers. He was obviously looking for something.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked shyly.

"Oh I can't keep you here anymore after what I'm going to do next. Tomorrow you will be on your way out of the country." He said.

I was shocked. "So this is it? This is how I'm going to spend the rest of my life?" I whispered quietly.

"Oh here you are." The suit man cheered and turned around with what looked like a medicine bottle.

I started backing up on the floor as he looked at me and slowly walked towards me with the bottle in his hand. My hands weren't tied so I reached for the door knob, but somehow it was locked.

"Don't you even think about running away." He said and grabbed my hair. He pulled me to another door in the corner of the office. He opened it and what was in there shocked me. There were three naked girls passed out on the floor. Now I knew what was going to happen.

"On the bed!" Suit man commanded. I did as he told and sat on the bed, because I didn't see a way out of this situation.

I felt tears in my eyes again, but I fought them.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked while opening the bottle in his hand. I kept my mouth shut and just stared at the girls on the floor. They looked young. One of them looked like she was just about thirteen or fourteen.
"I asked you a question!" He yelled which made me flinch.

"Oh are you scared? You better get used to people yelling at you. Because the people that want to buy you are not very nice." That is when I couldn't fight the tears anymore. I was crying again.
"Open your mouth." The suit man commanded again with a green pill in his hand. I didn't move.

He then sighed and grabbed my face squeezing my cheeks and making my mouth open. He put the pill on my tongue and closed my mouth. I just kept it in my mouth.

"Swallow it." He said and took off his red suit jacket throwing it on the floor. I still didn't do anything.
"Do as I say or you'll be more hurt than you need to." He threatened and started unbuttoning his shirt.
"Swallow. It." He said slowly. I spat it out on the floor and heard him chuckle.
"Oh so you do want to get hurt? Are you sure?" He laughed taking another pill out of the bottle.
"Please stop." I whispered tears running down my cheeks.

"What? Stop? Just swallow the fucking pill and it'll be over faster." He was pissed off I could see it in his eyes. I put the pill in my mouth and closed my eyes. I swallowed it and the tears just didn't stop.

"Good girl. Now take off your shirt." He said, but I didn't do anything again.

"I'm fucking getting tired of you!" He shouted at my face and pushed me on the bed. He basically ripped off my shirt and bra. Then he threw them on the floor and licked his lips.

He hovered over me and his face got closer to my chest. I tried to push him away, but he grabbed my wrists and held them above my head. He started sucking on my left nipple. I balled my hands into fists and tried to get out of his grip, but it didn't work. I was getting weaker every second.

After he had been sucking on my nipples for a while, he let go of my wrists. I thought this was my chance to push him away and run, but my arms felt heavy as fuck. I didn't understand. I felt like I couldn't move, because the air was too heavy. I couldn't even get any noise out of my mouth. I just felt the unstoppable tears running down my face.

"Can't move huh?" He just laughed.

He then took off his pants and my shorts with my panties. I was now completely naked just like the girls on the floor, and so was he.

He got above me again and placed his tiny penis on my entrance. "No wonder why he is pissed off like that. Anyone would be with a tiny one like that" I said in my head.

He thrusted his hips forward with full force and that's when I passed out.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now