Part 31: Make out session

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<Jisung pov >

I looked at the two guys for the rest of the class, but they just stared back.

I was irritated by them and as soon as the class was over I left with Soyeon.

"What's the hurry?" Soyeon asked as she and her guards ran after me.
"Is it ok if our relationship is public at school at least?" I asked and her guards looked at us confused, but they didn't say anything.

"Hey Soyeon!" The other one of the guys from class suddenly appeared from somewhere.
"Hi?" She replied.
"Why are you always with that new dude? Is he paying you to be with him?" He asked.
"I think you should step back." Soyeon's guard said.

"No. He's not paying me. And anyway why would I need money when I'm already rich?" Soyeon said obviously annoyed.
"Then why are you with him?" He asked thinking probably that I was a clingy fan just like him.
"Because he's my boyfriend." Soyeon said and linked our hands together.
"You? A boyfriend? I'm a hardcore fan do you think I wouldn't know that you never dare guys?" He just laughed.

"Watch this." She grinned and turned around to face me. She grabbed my necktie and pulled it down. Then she kissed my lips.

I kissed her back and everyone was looking at us. We were basically making out in the middle of a school hallway. Then we were pulled apart by a teacher... crap.

<Soyeon pov >

We were sitting in the principals office just the two of us waiting for the principal herself.

"I'm so sorry I got you into this." I said to Jisung who just smiled at me.
"I like you." He said back.
"I like you so much." He said again and got up from his chair. He walked over to me and kissed me on the lips.
"I like you too." I said and stood up as well and wrapped my arms around his neck.

He lifted me up and put me down on the principal's desk. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and cupped my left boob. I brushed his hair with my fingers and held onto his tie. Then there was a sound of a door opening.

We quickly detached our lips and I hopped off of the desk fixing my skirt and hair.

"You two sit down." The principal said.

We sat down on the chairs we had sat on a few minutes ago.

"Fix your tie it looks bad. And look at your hair." She said to Jisung.
"Yes." Jisung said and quickly straightened his tie and fixed his hair.

"The two of you have violated the school rules. That's all I know so would you mind explaining to me? And don't even think of lying I'm going to see if your story matches your teachers story." She said.

"We kind of made out in the hallway." I said silently.
"Sorry what was that?"
"I kissed her in the hallway that's all." Jisung said and the teacher chuckled.
"I did hear what she said don't twist her words." She laughed.
"Okay." Jisung said like he was in the military.

"That doesn't have very big consequences. Just a message to your parents and that's all." She said and wrote it down.
"No please don't. Her parents will kill her seriously." Jisung said.
"Then what should we do with you? Detention?" She asked and we both nodded.
"Okay. Fine for me!" She said and wrote it down and we were finally excused.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now