Part 17: The search

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<no one pov>

"Where's Soyeon?" Felix asked behind his phone.
"She left to get her towel like... TWO HOURS AGO?! Didn't she come back yet?" Chan asked back with widened eyes. The boys started looking at each other worryingly.
"I'll go check on her." Jisung said and stood up.
"I'll come with you." Hyunjin said and they walked out together.
They came to the back of the cabin and saw Soyeon's towel on the ground.

"Where is she?" Jisung started to panic.
"She probably just went to the beach or something... right? That's possible... right?" Hyunjin also started panicking.
"Soyeon!" Jisung shouted out her name.
"Soyeon!" Hyunjin shouted too.
There was no response in the woods.

"What if she was eaten by a bear?" Jisung panicked and started walking towards the woods.
"Stop. There's no bears in these woods." Hyunjin said and grabbed Jisung by his shirt.
"Yeah I know that! But whatever it is took her! She wouldn't just leave on her own," Jisung started crying.
"Hey. Calm down. Let's go back to the cabin and think this through. Then-"

"NO!!! How can you be so calm?! She has been out here for fucking three hours!! What if she was kidnapped?!!!!" Jisung yelled while crying.

"Listen to me please. Let's go back to the cabin and call the police. Let's say it's a missing person case. Then we can go out to the woods to look for her if the police tell us that it's allowed. AND we should also tell her bodyguard." Hyunjin said trying to calm Jisung down.
"Ok." Jisung tried to breathe normally.

They walked back to the cabin and Felix and Chan both stood up worried, with a bunch of thoughts in their heads.
"What happened? Where's Soyeon?" Felix asked right away.
"Why are you crying?" Chan asked and walked closer to Jisung.

"Soyeon wasn't outside. Her towel was on the ground." Hyunjin said with a quiet voice. He was trying his best not to cry.
"What?! We're there any footprints on the ground?" Felix asked also walking up to the others.
"We didn't look that closely." Jisung said and was already going to walk back out, but Hyunjin pulled him back.

"We will all stay inside for now." Hyunjin said.
"But why?" Jisung asked getting frustrated.
"Because my dads a cop and I know what to do." Hyunjin said still trying to calm Jisung down.
"Please explain why we have to stay inside and do nothing?" Chan asked also panicking.
"Because we don't know where she is and why she hasn't come back yet. We can't be sure there isn't something dangerous out there. So we should at least call the police first." Hyunjin said and tried still not to panic.
"That literally makes no sense." Felix said, but then he took his phone out and called 119.

"119, what's your emergency?" The voice behind the phone asked.
"Hi. My girlfriend is missing." Felix replied with a shaky voice.
"Can you tell me the details?"
"Yes. She went out- and umm we're at her parents cabin- so umm yeah she went out to get her towel from drying and she's being gone for about three hours now and ummm— my friends went to check and her towel was on the ground and she was g- gone." Felix stuttered and started crying.
"What does she look like?"
"She has long dark brown almost black hair that goes all the way down to her lower back, she's very pretty, she has a tiny bit chubby cheeks, but just a tiny bit not too much, she was wearing a pink pajama top and blue shorts and umm she didn't have any makeup on. And oh! Her left pinky nail is painted black." Felix said and the three boys were amazed of how well he knew what Soyeon looks like.

"Ok thank you. Where and when was she last seen?"
"At the Soyosan forest private beach." Felix said and started biting his nails.
"And when?"
"About three hours ago." Felix whimpered.
"Ok. I'll send a notice to the police, but I can't promise they'll come in the first 24 hours, because a person has to be missing for over 24 hours to be reported as a missing person."
"Okay. Can we go out and look for her?" Felix asked.
"Sure, but don't go alone and don't be out in the dark too long." The officer said and they ended the call.

"Let's go." He said and walked out the door.
"I'm coming too!" Jisung ran to the drawer beside the door and took a flashlight.
"Well we're gonna go too." Hyunjin said and pulled Chan with him after taking another flashlight.

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