Part 30: Salt

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<Soyeon pov >

The weekend went by fast and mom and dad were still not living at home.

It was now Monday morning and I was going to go to school after a long time of not going. I was staring at myself in the mirror and curled my lashes. I had a bad dream last night.

I saw Minho... dying all over again and again. I couldn't get that picture out of my head. It was literally eating my soul. I hadn't told anyone about Minho. I didn't tell the police and I didn't tell my parents. I hadn't told even Jisung.

I put on my uniform after wearing my makeup and went downstairs. To my surprise dad was downstairs sitting at the table drinking tea and reading his newspaper.

"Dad?"  I asked and he looked up at me and smiled.
"Come here." He said and I went to him and gave him a hug.
"Go ask that friend of yours to join us for breakfast." He said and I went to Jisung's room.

I opened the door and he was dressing up. He didn't have his shirt on yet, only his pants.

"Good morning my love." I said and closed the door behind me.
"Good morning." He said back and gave me a kiss.
"You're invited to breakfast by my other daddy." I said and drew a heart on his abs with my finger.
"You're dad's here?" He was just as surprised as I was.
"Yes. He doesn't know about us yet, so for this morning you are just my friend." I said and Jisung pouted cutely.

"Fine." He said and was going to put on his shirt.
"No not yet." I shook my head and he chuckled while putting down his shirt.

I pulled him closer by grabbing his belt.
"Fuck me." I whispered.
"Oh you want to fuck this early in the morning?" He smirked.
"Yes, but we can't." I said and took his shirt and put it on him.

I started buttoning up his shirt and he was staring at me.
"I'll just fuck you at school then." He said smirking and I just laughed.

After he was dressed we went into the kitchen and sat down as Woojin was cooking and came over with fried eggs.

"Here you go." Woojin said and put the eggs down on our plates.

Seungmin came downstairs and sat down next to dad, I was sitting next to Jisung and Woojin was at the end of the table.

We started eating and Jisung held my hand under the table. I needed to add more salt to the egg, but it was too far.
"Can you pass me the salt, daddy?" I asked not realizing I said daddy and not dad.

My dad grabbed the salt... but so did Jisung... FUCK!!!!

Woojin and Seungmin looked at each other trying their best to hold in their laughs.

"What are you doing?" My dad asked glaring at Jisung who was shocked at what he did.
"Ummm. I- I umm- I thought she said Jisung." He said and I internally face palmed.
"Well you should go check your hearing young man." My dad said and took away his hand.

Jisung gave me the salt with closed eyes.

After breakfast

"Let's go." I said as I got into the car with Jisung. My normal everyday guards got in the front seat.

We got to school and my normal every day fans were outside waiting for me. When I got out they started yelling things again.

The guards were protecting me and Jisung. They were also taking the gifts the fans gave.

We got to our lockers and shared our lock codes with each other. We took out our health education books and walked into class.

We sat down together at the back of the class and opened the books.

We were holding hands again under the table. It was sweet and fun to be like that.

Then the teacher walked in.

"Good morning everyone."  He said and the class responded.

"Does any of you know what we will be talking about today?" He asked and everyone was silent.

"How are we supposed to know?" Jisung whispered and chuckled.

"Well today we will be talking about sex." He said.

"Oh we know all about that." I whispered to Jisung and he smirked.
"Oh yes we do." Jisung said and winked.

"So everyone knows what sex is right?" The teacher asked and the class was filled with positive answers.

"Can someone tell the others what a virgin is?" The teacher then asked and Jisung raised his hand.
"Han, tell us." The teacher said and Jisung cleared his throat.
"A person who is not sexually active." Jisung said.
"Perfect answer thank you Han."

"Good job." I said surprised.
"I was so sure you were going to say like a person who hasn't had sex yet." I whispered and he grinned.
"Of course not. I might look like a squirrel, but I have bigger brain than it does." Jisung said and let go of my hand.

At first I thought he got angry at me, but then I realized why he took his hand away. He put his warm palm on my thigh. I blushed.

"It is VERY important to use protection. It doesn't just only prevent pregnancy, but also sexually transmitted diseases." Three teacher said.

"Hey, Mr Kang? We hear this every year." On boy said.
"Well can you teach the whole class about coitus if you know so much?" The teacher asked and the boy just shook his head.

"Can someone tell me why people have sex?"

Not many student raised their hand, but I was one of the few.


"Well. First of all to have kids and to show affection and love towards another person. And these days it's not so much for the original reasons, but more people do things like one night stands. There are some people who don't ask for the other persons permission for sex like they are supposed to, and that is when *clears throat* sexual abuse occurs." I said and at the last sentence I felt a lump in my throat. I got flashbacks to the time I was raped.

"Yes thank you."

"Are you okay?" Jisung whispered and stroked my thigh.
"Yes. I'm okay. I just got flashbacks." I said and closed my eyes.
"It's okay." He said and gave me a warm hug.

<Jisung pov >

I was hugging her for a couple minutes and then I realized there was a few guys looking at us. They were Soyeon's fans and they looked furious.

"Hey umm. Are you okay now?" I asked and broke the hug. She had stopped crying.

Soyeon nodded and I wiped away her tears with my thumbs.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now