Part 12: right in front of my salad

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<no one pov>

All of the teenagers were brushing their teeth together. There was still this weird tension in the air that made everyone a little uncomfortable.

"Hey guysh... Umm- behwore whe gho tho shleep I'd hweally hwant to phway something." Chan said and everyone else turned their heads to face him.

Felix spat to the sink and then he said:
" I didn't quite catch that mate." He said and then Chan also spat out the foam from his mouth.
"I said, before we go to sleep I'd really want to play something." He said like it was obvious.

After they all were ready for sleep they all sat down in the living room.

" So what do you wanna play now, huh? Truth and dare?" Hyunjin asked.
"No! That's so last year." Jisung took part in the conversation.
"What about never have I ever?" Soyeon recommended. The boys nodded their heads in unison.

"YAY!! I'll start! Never have I ever fallen in love." Soyeon said proudly not lowering any fingers. In the other hand tho, Felix, Hyunjin and Jisung lost a pinkie.
"Hyung?! Who is it?!?!" Felix was shocked and asked from Hyunjin, but he just got brushed off and ignored.

"My turn. Never have I ever kissed someone in this room." Chan said and still had all of his ten fingers up.
Soyeon and Hyunjin lost a finger and Felix was glaring at Jisung's finger's. Jisung hesitantly lowered his right ring finger. Invisible smoke started coming out of Felix's ears and he was so pissed. He knew it, but he was just wishing that it would've never happened.

"WOW?! You two have kissed too?!" Hyunjin stared at Jisung and Soyeon with wide eyes. Chan felt the urge to save his best friend so he also lowered his finger.
"Yo what the actual fuck?!" Felix shouted looking at Soyeon.

"JISUNG AND I HAVE KISSED!" Chan yelled and closed his eyes.

Soyeon was holding back her laughter and Hyunjin couldn't just do it, he was rolling on the floor and Felix felt dumb.

"You have kissed?" Felix asked.
"YES! MULTIPLE TIMES!!!" Chan yelled still with closed eyes.
"So... I'm confused are you like-"

"Actually! Let me correct that for you. Uhh... Chan has kissed me MULTIPLE times. It wasn't me tho! It's just that... umm Chan is umm... Chan is gay." Jisung told everyone a made up story.

Chan was turning red. Felix was also turning red. Hyunjin had been red for a while now from all the laughing and rolling on the floor. Soyeon was just impressed at the story. She was also pretty sure that a gay guy wouldn't check her out like Chan did.

"Why would you out me like that man?" Chan whisper shouted making sure everyone heard him.

"Aight then... MOVING ON! Never have I ever had sex." Jisung said with still eight fingers up. Felix lowered a finger and now he had also eight fingers up. Hyunjin lowered a finger and now he had just seven fingers up. Chan lowered a finger and now he had also eight fingers. And Soyeon had nine fingers.

"Oi! We have two virgins here! Maybe you two should just do it." Chan shouted cheerfully not realizing completely until someone else spoke up.
"That is my girlfriend right there!" Felix shouted.
"Bro you're seriously dumb. I like that." Hyunjin winked at Chan. Chan felt weird. He was certain he wasn't gay, but he felt his heart flutter at Hyunjin's sudden action.

"Never have I ever masturbated." Hyunjin said without losing any fingers.
"Bro what the fuck?" Chan asked Hyunjin knowing that it was not possible for an 18 year old guy to NEVER have played with himself.
Chan lost a finger, just like Felix, Jisung and also... Soyeon.

"And I thought she was innocent..." Felix said and sighed.

<Jisung pov>

I looked at Soyeon lowering her ring finger and biting her lower lip shyly. I couldn't help it, but I just couldn't stop thinking of how she'd done it. Had she used toys? I then realized I was getting a boner.
'Damn it Soyeon! You just can't stop giving me boners can you?' I thought in my head and got up to go deal with my little growing friend.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now