Part 8: misunderstanding

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<Soyeon pov>

It had been three days since Jisung confessed. Woojin and Seungmin wouldn't just leave me alone.

"I really don't like Felix, but I'm still not okay with that Jisoo boy." Seungmin said to me while we were eating breakfast.
"Yes I know that already. You haven't talked about anything else in the past three days. And it's Jisung, not Jisoo." Woojin replied to him.

"Thanks oppa. You always got my back." I said in a cute way and patted Woojins shoulder.
"No prob."

"Hey. We have to seriously talk about this." Seungmin said and hit the table with his fist. He whined and instantly regretted it as his fist started turning red.

"There's nothing to talk about. Our little sister has a secret hookup pal. Case closed." Woojin laughed.
"Yah! Mom could hear." I said angrily.
"So you guys have hooked up?" Woojins face turned into a surprised one.
"What? No, no, no!" I quickly corrected my brother and they both started laughing.

"We have to scold that Jisoo." Seungmin teased.
"It's still Jisung." Woojin corrected before I had to.
"I won't let you." I teased back and both of my brothers went:

"But seriously, let's talk." Seungmin still insisted.
"No." Woojin oppa said in his protective way again.
"If we don't talk, I'll tell dad about Jisung." Seungmin threatened.
"I don't know witch is more shocking. The fact that you got his name right, or that you think you have the balls to ruin your sisters life." Woojin chuckled.

"You know what? Let's just talk." I decided not to take any risks and just do what Seungmin oppa told me to.
"Finally." He sighed.

"So, tell me about this Jisung." Seungmin said like he was a part of the gossip girls.

"Well. We met at school..." I started.

"Uh. High school romance. I love it." Woojin commented.

"... we accidentally bumped into each other and I dropped my school books..." I kept telling and Woojin kept interrupting.

"Waah. Basic movie material." He cheered like a fanboy.

"... he lifted my book and then he introduced himself." I stopped there to wait for Woojins comment.
"Why did you stop?" Seungmin asked.

"Oh, right. The next time we met at a club..." I didn't get to finish my telling again.

"An underage drinker? One minus point for Jisung." Seungmin teased.
"She never said he was drinking." Woojin whispered.

"... there we got to know each other better. Then after clubbing he took me home on his motorbike." I decided to leave out the man who slapped me, since my brothers are a bit overprotective.

"That's when I met him." Woojin commented.

"I kinda started having feelings towards him then, but I didn't..."

"Do you really have feelings for him already?" I heard my mothers excited voice from behind me. I was completely in shock.

"Mom? How much did you hear?" Seungmin asked also shocked. I knew he didn't really want to expose me.
"I only heard that my lovely Soyeon has feelings for my dream son-in-law, Lee Felix." My mom said happily and clapped her hands.

'I never said that though.' I thought.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now