Part 29: still single

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<no one pov >

As the new couple was getting in on in the bathroom upstairs thinking that they were alone in the house, Soyeon's brothers came home.

"I'm gonna go straight into her room. Jisung's probably there already, but we're gonna join in." Woojin said and ran up the stairs. Seungmin followed.

They were standing behind their little sisters room door and together they barged in to the dark room.

"They're not here?" Seungmin was confused.
"Oh I get it. They're probably watching a movie in our parents room on the big screen." Woojin said and walked over to that door instead.

They opened it and instantly regretted. They heard a loud moan from the bathroom... their little sisters moan...

"I'm gonna kill those two." Seungmin hissed and was going to go into the bathroom, but Woojin stopped him.
"No. Let them be. They don't know we're here yet and we should respect them." Woojin said and Seungmin just sighed.

"AAHHHHH DADDYYY!!!!!!" They heard Soyeon moan so loud in the bathroom they knew it could've been heard downstairs.

"You know there's a possibility that she's there by herself." Seungmin tried to calm down.

"Aaaahhh." Then they heard Jisung groaning, and slapping of skins together.

"Yup definitely not by herself." Woojin said.
"We have to stop this. They're 17 not old enough to have sex." Seungmin said and was going to go into the bathroom again.
"How old were you when you lost your virginity?" Woojin stopped him again.
"Well... 15..." Seungmin mumbled.
"So maybe we should just go downstairs and ignore what we just heard." Woojin said and turned around already going to walk out.

"I'm gonna cum!" They then heard Soyeon moan again.

"I'm disgusted." They both said and walked downstairs.

1 hour later.

<Soyeon pov >

"I really can't walk." I laughed as we were trying to actually clean up in the shower now.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" Jisung laughed as I was stumbling like a newborn deer.
"You say it." I chuckled as I fell down on my butt.

"Let me help." Jisung said and held my arm and lifted me up.
"You can lean on the wall or me." Jisung said and I decided to lean on his shoulder.

"Here is soap." Jisung said and started rubbing it on my back.
"You're so sweet." I grinned from ear to ear.

"I want to rub it on your boobs too." Jisung smirked and I leaned on the wall.
"I wanna give you a new hickey." He said and I just nodded.

He started sucking on my right boob a bit above my nipple and gave it a dark mark. He was smiling cutely at his work and then he took more soap and rubbed it on my chest.

"You fucked me way too hard." I laughed as he rubbed the soap to my arms and tummy. He got down to my torso and honestly I already thought he would start the 4th round.

He put soap to my legs and then he rubbed some on his body.

Then he turned the water warmer and washed himself. It was honestly hot.
Then he supported me and helped me wash myself.

When we were done he turned off the shower and helped me walk out. He wrapped a towel around me and his waist and lifted me up bridal style. I gave him a kiss on his cheek.

He carried me out of the bathroom and put me down on my parents bed as he went back into the bathroom to get our clothes.

He came back and gave me my clothes. He pulled on his sweatpants and sweatshirt. I put on my panties, shorts, bra and crop top. He then got down to my level and kissed me sweetly. It was a slow, caring and short kiss.

"Come on." He said and squatted his back facing me. I got on his back and he stood up.

<Woojin pov>

We heard footsteps upstairs going towards the stairs and we looked at each other.

"They're coming." Seungmin said.

Then we saw Jisung giving our precious little sister a piggyback ride. They were laughing and talking about something I didn't pay attention to. They were so into the conversation they didn't even notice us.

Then Seungmin cleared his throat. Jisung had just stepped off the last stair and looked over at us suddenly looking scared.

"Well hello." I said blankly and looked at the two.

Soyeon hopped off of Jisung's back and stared at us.

"When did you two get home?" She asked.
"About an hour ago." Seungmin said and Jisung's lips suddenly went into a straight line and he closed his eyes.

"Did you umm... hear anything?" Soyeon asked obviously thinking about her loud moans that we had to listen to.
"Like what?" Seungmin asked turning his head like an innocent puppy.
"Like- never mind if you didn't hear anything." She sighed and smiled.
"Yeah we didn't hear anything except, OH DADDY!! FUCK YOU DADDY!! GO FASTER!!!!" Seungmin imitated her screams and the both of the teenagers faces turned red.
"Yeah and, OH GOD YOU'RE SO THIGHT!! Aahhhh!!!!! AAAHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAAAAA!!!" I also started moaning on the sofa and Seungmin and I bursted out laughing.

"I'm sorry." Jisung said and bowed.
"Don't be. We're just making fun of you two. Next time just make sure you're alone." I chuckled and got up to go make food into the kitchen.

"And next time tell us when you're gonna do that like jeez. I don't want to hear that ever again." Seungmin said and walked behind me to help me.

<Jisung pov >

"Omg." Soyeon bursted out laughing after her brothers left.
"Damn." I said and lifted her back up bridal style.
"Let's go to my room." I whispered and smirked.
"Oh no I can't take that dick anymore tonight." She said looking at me.
"Dummy. I just wanna cuddle. I want to spend every second with you until you leave." I said and opened the door to my room.

I put her down on the bed and crawled next to her. I hugged her with her back facing me. She was warm and perfect in my arms.

"Can you give me my phone?" I asked and she took my phone from the nightstand.

"Here." She said and gave it to me. I opened it in front of her eyes.
"Wait your password is still single?" She laughed.
"Yes and now I have to change it." I said and changed it to "I'm daddy".
"Hey daddy." She whispered.
"Just remember to call me daddy only when there are no others around." I chuckled.

"It would be funny if I called you daddy when my dad was present." She laughed and turned around.

"I like you squirrel." She said and kissed my nose.
"I like you too princess." I said and kissed her lips.

~No permission needed~// stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now