Chapter 1

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"Hey! Helloooo?!" I groaned, shifting slightly. I refused to open my eyes to the annoying voice. It sounded familiar, but I can't put my finger on who it was.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! I know you can hear me!" I groaned again, pulling my scarf over my head. I don't need to deal with this.

"Fuck off...." I muttered.

That earned me a hard smack on my head, making me yelp.

"Ow!" I sat straight up, shooting a glare at my attacker, "Didn't I just say- what the hell?" I blinked, caught off guard by Monokuma, staring back at me. "Finally, you're awake. Bout time, sleepyhead." He said. My mind began to swirl with confused thoughts.

"You? Why the hell are you here- wait," I slowly began to look around, my eyes widening as I looked at my surroundings, " where even is here?"

There was nothing around the two of us. Nothing. Only pitch black, like a dream of some kind. It wasn't dark though, cause then I wouldn't be able to see Monokuma.

"Pufufufufu, man do you look confused." Monokuma chuckled, placing a paw on his mouth. I sighed, placing my hands on the back of my neck and leaning back, since I'm apparently floating in mid air.

"Man do you look fat!" I stated with a smirk. His face lit up in red, which amused me.

"Shut up! At least I can't die, asshole!" He snapped. I rolled my eyes, looking away.

"Uh huh, whate-" That was when I suddenly froze, struck with a distinct memory.

I'm dead.

I looked around my body, searching for the arrow wounds, but they had vanished. Thinking it over, I was smashed into nothing, so how am I unharmed?! Monokuma's chuckle snapped me out of my thoughts, and I looked to him, feeling fear rise within me. I don't understand. What did Monokuma do?

"....why the hell am I alive?"

Monokuma blinked, tilting his head innocently. "Hmm? I thought you'd be happy to be alive? Most people would be anyways-"

"Answer the question." I hissed. The black and white bear only sighed.

"Geez, that's some thanks, considering the offer I'm about to propose." He said. I felt my brows furrow as I narrowed my eyes. Offer? What offer is he talking about?

"What offer-"

"But, to answer you're question, well it's a bit of long story, so you better get comfortable~" Monokuma said. I couldn't help but sneer. I was in no mood to hear his story, I just wanted to get to the point. But I probably won't get anywhere by being stubborn. So, I just sighed and crossed my arms.

"You have my attention."

"Perfect! Okay, where to begin? For starters, I am more than just an A.I. In fact, I am a demon of despair! I have powers that are a beyond human comprehension. Meaning, I am able to bend time and space, with the power of despair I feed off others. Aaaaand since I've been doing the killing games for can imagine I'm pretty powerful right now."

" .....okay. So your some stupid despair demon? But that doesn't answer my question." I have no idea if what he's saying is true or not, but since we're in some eternal pitch black room, I can't exactly strike down his words yet.

"Right, so anyway, at the end of every killing game, I do a small twist. I bring forth one contestant to life, and start over the killing game." I perked up, only more puzzled.

"What?! What do you mean?" I asked.

"In other words, I use my abilities to go back to square one of the killing game. Start it all over. Everyone is alive and well, with no memory of their first timeline." Monokuma explained. Okay, I understand that now, but he still didn't answer my damn question.

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