Chapter 18

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I immediately stood up from where I sat, fighting the pain on my back. I hurried to Kiyo and Angie, kneeling down to them. The back of Angie's head was bleeding, but otherwise they just had a few scorch marks on their clothes, so they looked more or less okay.

"Kiyo! Angie! Wake up!" I said, shaking them both. I heard cracking above me, and looked up. The explosion had caused part of the ceiling to crack, and I wasn't too confident it was gonna stay. A groan snapped me out of my thoughts, and I looked down at Kiyo, who was attempting to sit up.

"Ugh....what..." he began to look around, his eyes widening when he saw the fire burning his dorm. 

"What in the world?!" he cried.

"No time! We gotta get outta here!" I stated. Kiyo looked to me, then looked to Angie, who was still unconscious. "Angie," he quickly pulled the girl onto his lap, shaking her, "Angie! Wake up! Angie!" he shouted. She did not move. The cracking above us got louder, causing both of us to look up. The ceiling was definitely about to cave in at any moment. 

"We gotta go! NOW!" I stated. Kiyo looked to me and nodded, holding the girl bridal style as we fled the dormitory. We managed to get out of there, coughing from inhaling all that smoke. By now, the rest of our group was rushing this way.

"Guys! Are you okay?!" Tsumugi said. 

"Define okay..." I said, coughing.

"Angie is hurt. We have to get her treated now." Kiyo stated. I looked at him surprised. That was the most serious I've ever heard him speak. Kirumi came over to Kiyo, examining Angie's head. "Let's get her to the game room. I believe there is a couch there she may rest upon." she said.

"But what about the fire?" Himiko stated. Suddenly the Monokubs appeared, wearing gas masks and fire men hats. 

"We got this! You all hurry along and get the misses some treatment!" Monosuke stated. We decided not to argue with the bear, and did as he said. So we all made our way to the game room, deciding to let Angie rest there. 

*    *    *    *

Fourteen of us waited outside the back room of the game room, since Kirumi said she needed space and concentration to treat Angie. Kiyo seemed the most concerned, pacing back and forth while he gaze remained spaced out.

"So the clue wasn't about the bombs location, but rather its target?" Maki asked. I nodded, rubbing my sore back.

"Right. I didn't realize it till I sat down and thought about it." I replied. 

"So then....Angie's injury is my fault." we all looked at Kiyo in surprise. He narrowed his eyes at the ground, hugging himself slightly. "If it wasn't for me, Angie wouldn't have gotten hurt. She-"

"If Angie didn't stop you, you probably would've died! You can't blame this on yourself, Kiyo. This was out of everyone's reach. No one but Monokuma is to blame." Kaito stated. Kiyo sighed, placing a hand on his cheek. "I suppose you are right. Blaming myself would be pointless, I just....I hope she is alright." he said.

"So do I...." I thought. 

"Well, why don't you ask how she is yourself?" Kirumi spoke up, opening the door. Angie walked past Kirumi, rubbing her bandaged head. Everyone looked at her in relief.

"Angie! You're okay!" Himiko stated, running over and hugging the girl. Angie giggled, rubbing the top of Himiko's head. "I am alright, Himiko. A little dizzy, perhaps, but nothing to fear over." she insisted. She looked over at Kirumi.

"Thank you Kirumi. I appreciate you treating my injury." she said. Kirumi looked at her surprised, but smiled. 

"I am just glad you are alright." she replied. Kiyo seemed to hesitate before taking a step forward.

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