Chapter 5

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Rantaro and I waited in the dining hall, eagerly waiting for the others to come. Rantaro has his eyes narrowed, and he kept tapping his foot rapidly as a bead of sweat streamed down the side of his face.

"At least attempt to not look like an exposed child." I remarked. He flinched, wiping the sweat away.

"Sorry, just kinda....anxious. As the Ultimate Survivor, I'm used to being prepared to defend myself, you know survive. But not once have I ever been the bait. I feel....vulnerable." He explained.

"Relax, if the mastermind tries to attack you, I won't let you get killed." I replied.

I lied of course. I can't promise he'll survive.

"How'd you know anyway? About my Monopad, and my identity." Rantaro asked. "I've got my ways." I replied with a smug look. Rantaro leaned over the table, resting his elbows on the table and intertwining his hands together.

"Okay....then do you have any suspects? About the mastermind?"

" ....nope. " Hell yes.

Suddenly the doors opened, and Gonta was the first to enter. " Gonta brought everyone." He stated.

"Good work Gonta!" I called. Rantaro took a deep breath and regained his cool, calm composure while everyone entered the dining hall. Everyone gathered together and sat at the table. I counted the heads, making sure we were all here.

"Thirteen....fourteen...yep! We're all here!" I looked to Rantaro with a smile.

"Okay Rantaro, you have the stage! Take it away!" That's when all attention was changed towards him.

"Rantaro, what is he talking about? What is going on?" Shuichi asked. Rantaro hesitated, brows furrowing. Miu growled and slammed her hand on the table.

"Well?! What the fuck is it?! Care to share with the rest of the fucking class?!" She snapped. Strangely enough, that seemed to be an enough of an encouragement needed for Rantaro to grow a pair.

He put on a determined expression, and took out his Monopad.

"Guys....I'm really sorry. I haven't been completely honest." He stated. Everyone have him puzzled expressions, but he turned on his Monopad and slid the tablet in the center of the table.

"Watch this'll explain everything." And so they did.

Everyone watched Rantaro's perk video, each one them staring in shock. The more the video progressed, I noticed something important.....

The utter fear in Tsumugi's eyes.

After the video had finished, everyone looked at him in shock. Rantaro looked away shamefully, hands on his hips.

"Sorry guys...."

"Rantaro...." Kaede said. Tsumugi suddenly stood up, rubbing her arms nervously. I stood up, not keeping my eyes off her. "What's wrong Tsumugi?" I asked.

"Uh, n-no. I-I just....need to use the restroom!" She rushed out the rest of her words, and bolted out of the room. My eyes widened.

"Tsumugi wait!" Keebo said. I leaped onto the table.

"After her! She's the mastermind!" I shouted! Everyone watched as leaped over them and bolted after Tsumugi. I burst through the doors and managed to see her blue hair just down the hall.

I didn't hesitate to run after her. She hurried to get away, making a break for the girl's bathroom.

"The secret passage....yeah I expected that much." I went into the girls bathroom, just in time to see her open the passage. She ran inside, but I slid inside just before the door closed. I chased her down to the library, as she reached out for the door knob for the back entrance.

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