Chapter 42

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Miu, Kiibo and I stared wide eyed at the screen, seeing as the supposed Mukuro Ikusaba collapsed onto the floor. 

"W-wha....what the fuck....what the fuck was that?! What just happened?!" Miu shrieked, face as pale as a ghost. "I don't understand. Mukuro was killed....but not by any of the participants. What was she even killed with there? Some sort of spears or something?" Kiibo said. I placed a hand on my chin. This didn't make any sense. Why was Mukuro killed there? And there's still no explanation as to why her body was dragged out into the Green Room.

"....Monokuma was just explaining the rules of a class trial, right? Then Mukuro started to debate about it. But why?" I thought aloud. There was suddenly a knock on the door, and it opened. "Kokichi, did you find anything yet?" Shuichi asked, stepping inside, with Rantaro right behind him. 

"Shuichi, perfect timing. We found an interesting video, and I wanted you to take a look at it." I said. Shuichi nodded. Kiibo replayed the video, and as expected, Shuichi and Rantaro stared at the screen in shock. "Whoa....that's brutal." Rantaro said. 

"We're trying to figure out why Mukuro was even killed, but I'm at a loss. None of the participants killed her. Further more, why would her body be suddenly dragged out into the Green Room later on in the game? It doesn't make any sense." I said. Shuichi crossed his arms across his chest. "I'm not sure either. This is very bizarre. But she was killed for a reason, wasn't she? So if she wasn't murdered or executed, how else could she have died....?" he said, closing his eyes.

"I'm taking a wild guess and thinking its not suicide. Her expression looked way too shocked. No way she was accepting death there." Miu said. "She did look shocked, didn't she?" Kiibo replied. I guess she did looked pretty shocked. The way her eyes looked in her final moments, and her last words....


Why would she say something like that?

"Anyway, did you and Shuichi find anything in the Principal's Office?" I asked. Shuichi nodded. "We did. We found video footage of the previous killing game participants doing interviews with the principal, saying they would take shelter in this school if they had to. That might've been the principal's original plan for this academy." he said. "Right, against the most Despair Enducing Event in Mankind. That makes sense." I said. 

"However....we also found the skull of the principal in a hidden closet. So chances are the principal has been dead for awhile." Rantaro added. Miu and Kiibo shivered. "You guys found a skull?!" they said in unison.

"I can see why. Junko couldn't very well run her killing game if he got in her way. But then, wouldn't they have remembered the principal. In fact...." my eyes widened, "if Mukuro Ikusaba was a classmate of there' could Junko even hide her identity as the mastermind, and use Mukuro to replace her?" I muttered. 

"Geez, this mystery seems to be bringing more and more questions than answers...." Miu murmured. 

"They all did know each other, yes? The killing participants all knew each other, didn't they?" Kiibo said. "They must've....that's what these pictures prove anyway." Rantaro said. He helled out a few pictures, showing different scenarios of the last killing game participants. They all seemed to be happy, and we're chummy classmates. So, how could they not realize that Mukuro was disguised as her twin?

"I don't understand any of this...." I muttered. 

"There must be something else we're missing. Are we missing anything?" Kiibo asked. "I don't think so. I feel like we have enough clues, but....none of them seem to add up." Shuichi said. I sighed. We need to think of something else. What else can we even do though? I'm sure we've searched everywhere. So, what can we do? 

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