Chapter 25

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I groaned, slowly opened my eyes, letting my gaze wander around the room. Oh, that's right, I'm in my dorm. I didn't even realize I was asleep so quickly. I sat up, running my fingers through my hair. Geez, why do I feel like shit? How long was I out anyway? I turned my head slowly to the clock.....seeing it was seven thirty.

"Seven thirty huh? Guess Kirumi is gonna have dinner ready soon. She's gonna want me to be there to eat. If not her, then definitely Gon-" I inhaled sharply as an insanely important detail came to mind.

"GONTA!" Oh my God it has definitely been a few hours since I last saw him! The antidote! D-Did it work?! I didn't hesitate to leap out of bed, feeling the sudden need to see the big lug. 

"Shit, shit, shit.....please be okay! Please be okay!" I said to myself as I bolted to my door. I grabbed the door handle and ran out.....only to smack against something large and sturdy, causing me to cry out and fall right on my butt.

"OWWWW! What the fuck?!" I heard myself snap, placing a hand on my head.

"Oh! Kokichi! Gonta so sorry! Gonta not expect that!"

My eyes widened upon hearing the familiar voice. Is that.....who I think it is? I slowly moved my gaze up, recognizing the pair of red eyes that looked down at me. It was him. The Ultimate Entomologist....Gonta. He's standing right here, looking brand spanking new. 

"You okay? Gonta not mean to bump into you! Gonta not mean to be rude....." Gonta replied, looking away while fidgeting with his big fingers. I could only stare, shocked. At the same time though, I also felt a huge wave of relief wash over me.

"Y-You're.....okay. G-Gonta, you're okay." I said, but was mostly convincing myself rather then speaking to him.

Gonta blinked, seeming puzzled for a moment before perking up. "Oh, yeah. Gonta is fine," he said, putting on a smile, "Miu's antidote work! Gonta no longer poisoned. Gonta feel like new man!" he stated. I didn't reply. I was somewhat still hesitant to believe this. Gonta is alive, the antidote worked. He's best friend is okay. Gonta noticed my silence, and gave me a concerned expression.

"Hmm? Kokichi-" I found myself clenching onto his shirt, not even realizing I was standing up.

"You freaking moron! What the hell is wrong with you?! How could you scare us like that?! We were all so worried about you! What kind of friend does that?! You idiot! You dumbass! Nincompoop! Stupid head-"

"Kokichi! Calm down! Gonta worried about you." Gonta replied, placing his hands on my shoulders. I had my head hung low as I screamed, clenching his shirt tightly. But eventually I began to calm down, my grip on him loosening.

"Idiot....moron...." I murmured. 

" sorry. Gonta is stupid for getting poisoned. Gonta not mean to worry everyone..." Gonta replied. I immediately shook my head, looking up at him.

"No, Gonta, I didn't mean- I didn't mean any of that. I just....I'm just so fucking relieved." I admitted. Gonta looked at me surprised. "Kokichi...."

"I thought you were gonna die. I thought....I was gonna lose my best friend." I said. "Kokichi and friends?" Gonta asked. I chuckled, fighting the urge to sob. "Course we are, dummy." I stated. I was expecting him to smile, but he gave a small frown instead.

"Kokichi alright? Kokichi....crying." 

That was when I became deathly aware of the wetness that streamed down my cheeks. Holy shit....I'm crying. Like, I'm really crying. They aren't fake. I....I didn't even realize it. For the first time in a long time, I'm crying real tears in front of someone else. That's only happened one other time. One other time only......

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