Chapter 17

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I just mere moments she lunged for me, hammer held high. My eyes widened, but I swiftly dodged the swing, causing her to smash one of her easels instead. Then she snapped her head back to me. 

"Do not move! It will be over quickly!" she stated. She again swung her hammer. I leaned back, barely dodging it. However she quickly adjusted her grip so that she was about to slam it down onto my chest. I let myself fall onto my back and roll over, causing her to slam onto the ground instead.

"Angie what the hell?! You need to stop this right now!" I snapped.

"I cannot! It is Atua's will! And I must obey!" Angie stated. She continued to swing the hammer at me crazily, seeming desperate just for one strike. As I continued to dodge, I looked around the room in a panic, searching for anything that might be used as a weapon.

"I certainly can't kill her. I....I don't want to kill her. But if she manages to kill me, the killing game will start....and all hell will break lose." I thought. Angie wore a broad smile, and once again swung at me, aiming for the side of my head. My eyes widened.

"There!" I seized the opportunity, and caught Angie's wrist. Then I briskly swung my foot against her ankles, so that she would fall back. She yelped as she tripped and landed on her back, dropping the hammer. I didn't hesitate to climb on top of her and pin her wrists above her head. 

"Gotcha!" I said. Angie looked at me wide eyed, then she immediately began to struggle, frantically kicking her legs and pulling at her arms.

"NO! Let me go! Let me go right now! I don't have a choice! Atua says you must die!" she screamed. I struggled to hold her still, but managed somehow. She is a lot stronger then she looks. 

"Angie stop it! Calm down! You gotta stop!" I said. She ignored me, and only squirmed more. I was growing frustrated. She wasn't even listening. She's just caught up in trying to kill me. I need to snap her out of it, make her listen to me.

"Angie Yonaga!" I said sternly. Before I knew it, my hand came into contact with her cheek, making a loud smacking sound......and she froze.

She completely froze. Eyes wide, staring at me in what seemed like horror. Her body almost felt limp beneath me. Her mouth was barely open, and she only panted lightly. My own eyes widened, and I stared at my hand for a moment. I....I slapped a girl. I've never slapped a girl before. But, I didn't have a choice. She wouldn't calm down. That's what I kept telling myself....but I didn't feel any better. 

"Sorry....but you had to stop." I said. I climbed off her, sitting beside her. Angie had not moved. I sighed, helping her to sit up. That was when she slowly raised a hand to her now red cheek.

"Angie...." I said calmly. Angie turned her head to look at me, her shock finally fading away.

"What happened?" I asked. Angie looked away, a shadow casting over her eyes. There was a moment of silence, but I waited patiently. After what felt like forever she finally spoke. "A-Atua said that....i-if I killed you, t-the bomb wouldn't go off. E-Everyone....would be safe." she said. 

".....and that's the truth?" Angie looked to me, giving me a puzzled expression. I narrowed my eyes, scooting closer to her.

"Atua told you to kill me? Are you sure about that?" I asked. Angie immediately opened her mouth, but I held a hand up, stopping her. 

"Don't. Lie. Not to me, or yourself." 

That made the girl close her mouth. She looked away, her eyes deep in thought, as if resisting something. A mental conflict with herself. She began to clench onto her yellow coat, clenching it tightly between her hands. She shut her eyes tightly, which were beginning to tear up. I slowly reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder.

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