Chapter 35

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It felt like forever before it was finally the next day. I've never felt so awful in my entire life. It should be obvious that after seeing that Flashback light yesterday, no one was exactly happy with me. So I did them a favor and stayed as far away from them as possible. I guess there's nothing I can do now what I do best.


Lie about my intentions, and pretend I'm the malicious person everyone believes I am. That seems like the easiest thing to do. Not like we'll ever escape this place. 

My body was screaming at me to not sit up when it was the next morning, but I didn't care, not like I was getting any sleep anyways. I was just done. Done with all this bullcrap. Done with trying or caring. It hurt too much. 

*Bing bong* *Ding Dong*

The monitors turned on, revealing Monokuma on the screen. "Attention students. I have a little announcement to make. I'm sure you're all drowning in your own despair, and I encourage you to keep doing so. However, you might wanna listen to this. I'm opening up a free killing quirk! Yep, whoever kills only Kokichi Ouma, gets to leave scott free. No class trials, no tricks, just kill Kokichi and you get to leave! Keep in mind only the murderer will be released. That's all! Have a nice day!" he explained, and the monitor shut off.

"That's obviously a big 'fuck you, Kokichi'." I thought aloud. I really pissed him off, didn't I? You know what.....whatever. If someone wants to kill me, they can help themselves. I deserve to die anyways. I sighed as I got out of bed, went to the shower and got ready. I may feel like shit, but I can't let the others see that. I gotta pretend I'm as cheerful about their despair as possible.

Once I was clean, I left my bedroom with a fake smile and made my way to my lab. I wasn't at all hungry, and I certainly didn't want to face the others, so I figured that was a good place to stay. Once I made it there, I closed the door behind me and looked around. 

"What to do, what to do....." I murmured. Normally I would hang out with Gonta, but....I don't think he'd want to see me. In fact the big guy must feel heart broken, knowing his best friend betrayed him....

I shoved that thought aside and decided to play some video games. I went over to the TV that was in the corner of the room, put a game inside the Play Station, and just started to play. It was just a fighting game, killing all sorts of bugs and other mobs. Of course I beat the first few levels in a breeze, and I looked down at the controller in my hands.

I began to recall the time Gonta, Ryoma, Kirumi and I played videos games here together. I could remember how fierce our spirits were to beat each other, and how none of us were able to give up. One of the rare, good moments we had.....

Suddenly I tensed up, feeling a shiver crawl up my back. Something isn't right. I feel like.....someone is watching me. 

I inhaled sharply as a strong hand grabbed my shoulder and pushed me down onto my back, and then I felt something cold and sharp touch my throat. I looked up at my attacker, immediately recognizing that sharp glare from those red eyes. 

"Taking Monokuma's motive to heart are ya, Maki Roll?" I asked with a slight mock in my tone. Maki narrowed her eyes at me.

"Don't call me that." she stated sternly. "Oh right, I forget. You only let Kaito call you that, right? I'm so sorry, didn't mean to make you angry." I said innocently. However, Maki didn't move, making me narrow my eyes at her.

"Well, maybe we should get back to business, hmm? You gonna do it or what?" I asked. Maki blinked, looking at me suspiciously, but I only chuckled. "Nee-heehee, oh relax. I'm not gonna fight back. I don't think I can fight back against the Ultimate Assassin. So, feel free to slit my throat whenever you feel ready." I said with a smile. 

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