Chapter 3

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I gave a small whistle as I wandered around the academy, doing my 'investigation'. For the most part, I think I know what I'm gonna do about Rantaro and Tsumugi. All I need to do is wait for the right time to speak to each of them alone.

"Kokichi wait!" I paused, looking behind me. Gonta was running towards be, skidding to a stop before panting.

"There you are....Gonta looking....for you...." He said in between breaths, his face a light shade of red.

"What's up Gonta?" I asked. I was genuinely curious as to why he was following me.

"Well, everyone search academy in pairs right? So Gonta thought Kokichi be his partner." He explained. I turned to face him. "But I already told everyone I would search on my own." I stated.

"But, Gonta feel better if you weren't alone. If something happened to Kokichi, Gonta never forgive himself." He said, looking away shamefully. I chuckled and rolled my eyes. He certainly still is a 'gentlemen'. But, I guess having him as an ally wouldn't hurt. He certainly was useful last time.....

Last time....

Flashbacks rolled in my mind....the Insect Meet and Greet, Gonta carrying Himiko, Gonta killing Miu, the many tears he shed....his final words....

"Just promise Gonta, that you all forgive each other, and be friends. Okay?"

Right afterwards....he was executed.

Because of me.

"So, can Gonta be your partner?! Please?!" I inhaled sharply, snapping out of my thoughts and looking to Gonta, who now gave me the largest, cutest puppy eyes I've ever seen. I smiled, giving a small shrug.

"Sure, why not?" Immediately his face lit up like a flashlight, his smile beaming like a child. "Yes! Gonta do his best! Gonta not smart, but he try hard!" He said.

"Come on then, big guy. Let's take a peek at the court yard!" I said.

*    *    *    *

Gonta blinked. I blinked. And we continued to stare at the manhole curiously. He placed a finger on his head and lightly scratched it.

"Manhole? What manhole doing here?" He asked. I placed my hands on my hips. "Dunno, but maybe it's a way out. I mean where else would it lead?" I said.

"Think so? What we do then?!" Gonta asked.

"Obviously we need to get the others. Then we'll use the tunnels to escape." I explained. Gonta nodded.

"Right! Gonta be right back!" He stated, and rushed out to gather everyone. I looked back at the manhole, eyes narrowing as I frowned. From here, everything should happen as expected.

*    *    *    *

Like I said, everything did happen as expected. Everyone came to the garden. Gonta lifted the manhole lid. We all went into the tunnels, and attempted to clear the Despair Road...


And over....

And over....

Until finally three hours had passed, and all of us were exhausted. I was currently leaning against the wall, panting hard.

"God damn, I forgot how much that road sucks without the Electrohammers." I thought.

"Come on everyone. One more time. This time, I know we can do it," Kaede stated, standing on her wobbly legs, "this time we'll make it-"

"Oh give it a rest!" I snapped, catching everyone's attention. I stood up on my own weak legs and walked over to the Ultimate Pianist.

"Can't you see we're all exhausted!? Can't you see we can't get through that damn tunnel?! I don't know about you, but the rest of us like being alive! So we ain't taking more step in that hell hole!" I snapped. This wasn't just acting either. I was really posses and tired! I already went through this bullshit last time, I didn't need to do it again!

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