Chapter 19

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"Holy shit this thing weighs a ton!" I stated, struggling to hold one end of the water tank with Kiyo and Gonta. Kiyo grunted slightly, attempting to adjust his grip on the tank.

" is....quite heavy...." he muttered. Gonta peeked over at us. 

"You both okay?" he asked us. We both on smiles (course I couldn't see Kiyo's smile). "We're okay!" we said. Gonta nodded and we continued to walk towards the stage in the gym. Seems like Gonta is having no troubles carrying this damn thing. Why did I even agree to do this?

"Cause of the sad look on Himiko's face...." I thought.

"No! Shut up me!" I hissed at myself. "Beg pardon?" Kiyo asked. I put on a smile and laughed. "Nothing! Just a little tired from feeling like my arms are gonna be crushed." I replied.

"Okay, right there should be perfect!" Himiko stated. We followed her instructions and carefully set the tank on the stage, all while trying not to crush our fingers underneath. Somehow, we had managed to do just that, and the moment the tank was safely put down, Kiyo and I sat back and panted, arms feeling like noodles.

"I really hope we won't have to that again." I said. "You do realize we'll have to carry it back after the show is over, right?" Kiyo said. 

"Fuck." I muttered. 

"You degenerate males done complaining," Tenko stated, hands on her hips, "cause there's more work to do." she stated. She looked over at Gonta with a kind smile. "Gonta, in a minute here the girls are gonna bring in a smaller tank, and there will be piranhas in it. Think you can manage to get the piranha tank over this tank?" she asked. 

"Yes! Should be no problem for Gonta." he stated. Tenko nodded. "Good. And don't worry, I'll be sure to help out." she stated. As if on cue, Angie, Kaede, and Himiko came into the gym, carrying a smaller tank filled with piranhas. 

"Oh man, I didn't think this would be so heavy." Kaede said. 

"Oh yeah? Try lifting this thing. I promise you it's a whole lot worse." I stated, gesturing to the tank we had to carry. Gonta hurried over to the girls and lifted the piranha tank with both arms, effortlessly carrying it over. He then set it down and grabbed a rope that was hanging above the large water tank. 

"While Gonta and I set up the piranha tank, everyone else should get to painting." Tenko said, gesturing to the other equipment we brought in before the tanks; a box for the saw in half trick, a larger box, and three large barrels. 

We began to get to painting. Himiko said she wanted it all to look amazing, so everyone was determined to make them just that. I was in charge of painting one of the barrels. Himiko and Angie each did a barrel, Kiyo did the larger box, and Kaede did the saw in half box. 

"So when are we actually going to perform?" Kaede asked. 

"Well, we plan to announce the show tonight, rehearse the performance tomorrow morning and afternoon, and then we shall raise the curtains that very night!" Angie stated. "Yeah, you guys will be the only ones who know the secrets to my magic, so you gotta pay attention." Himiko stated. 

"Just what exactly are the acts we will be performing?" Kiyo asked. 

"Well to start, Kaede is gonna be sawed in half in that box." Himiko said. 

"I'm gonna what?!" Kaede said, immediately looking nervous. "Relax, I won't really saw you in half. The spell is that I lay the box on the ground, and cover half of it with a sheet, while your inside. It'll seem like your body is through the whole box, but I'm gonna use my magic to prepare fake legs in the other end, while you keep your body tucked into your half. That way, when I saw the box, you won't get hurt." Himiko explained. 

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