Chapter 22

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It should go without saying, but everyone thoroughly enjoyed the magic show. The next day, Himiko couldn't stop smiling. The others kept complimenting her magic, and asking her how she did all those neat tricks. Of course her only response was always.

"It's magic!"

Now its been two days since that happened, and what was I doing with my time? Trying not to grimace as Gonta continued to show me his bug collection in his lab. 

"This one is silk worm! They make silk for our clothes and materials! Aren't they cute?" Gonta asked, referring to the worms that was crawling in my palm. "Yeah, very cute, very cute....." I muttered. That couldn't have been a more obvious lie, but of course Gonta doesn't notice I'm disgusted by the slimy things in my hands. I'm not even gonna get in on the bees and flies that are crawling in my hair and shoulders.

"Hey Gonta, what's this one? I don't recognize it." Kaede said, holding up what looked like a moth. Gonta wanted her to come as well, and show off his bugs. Ever since after the show, Gonta and Kaede had been pretty friendly with each other, not that I mind or care. 

Gonta walked over to Kaede and looked at the moth with a smile. "That the Cecropia moth. They're native to America. They largest moths in North America." he said. Kaede's eyes widened as she looked at the moth on her finger.

"The largest in North America? That's crazy. What's the largest moth in the world?" she asked Gonta. It wasn't a forced question either. It had genuine curiosity.

"Oh, that's the Atlas moth. They as big as your hand. Let's see...." Gonta looked around the room, reached out to a moth, and held it out. And my god it was definitely as big as his palm, and definitely bigger then mine.

"Whoa..." Kaede said, looking at it in awe.

"They live in Asia, but Gonta not remember where in Asia. Sorry." he said. Kaede smiled. "It's okay. There's so much information about bugs, I bet its hard to remember." she said.

"When can I hold a pretty butterfly or a moth? Why am I stuck with these gross, slimy, creepy worms...." I thought, holding back the urge to gag. Gonta looked back at me, a smile on his face. "Kokichi having fun?" he asked. I forced on a grin.

"You kidding? I'm having a blast! What else would I do instead of have bugs crawl all over me?" Maybe play a fucking video game where I can blast at disgusting pests like these things. 

"Kaede have fun too?" Gonta asked.

"Honestly, I was a little nervous to see these bugs at first. I sometimes feel a little squimish around them. But this has actually been a lot of fun. Thanks for showing me Gonta." Kaede said. Gonta blushed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. 

"O-Oh, you're welcome. Gonta glad you like bugs." he said. Within a few minutes, Kaede suggested we wash up for dinner, which I had no agreeing with. Anything to get away from these bugs. Once we were out of Gonta's lab, Gonta looked to Kaede nervously. 

"U-Um..." he held out his hand, "Y-Your hand, m-my lady. L-Let Gonta escort you to y-your room." Kaede giggled at his shyness and gladly took his hand. 

"Thank you." she said. Gonta looked back at me.

"Gonta meet with Kokichi at dining hall soon. Promise." he stated. "Got it." I said. With that Kaede and Gonta walked down the hall, hand in hand. I smiled, placing my hands behind my back. I never expected them to be that close, but I kinda like it. They certainly looked cute together. Better then Kaede and Shuichi toge- I stopped dead in thought when I felt something crawling in my shirt.

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