Chapter 16

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Evening came upon us. Fifteen of us waited in the dining hall, waiting for Kirumi to finish making dinner. I couldn't help but be fueled with anger. That damn bear, how on Earth could he do something like that to Kiyo? He was executed because of Monokuma in the first time line! Because of him, the killing game continued. Dammit!

I was biting at my thumb, growling lightly to myself. "Kokichi, you okay?" Gonta asked, looking across from me. I quickly released my thumb from my mouth and put on a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really hungry is all." I replied. "Well you won't have to wait much longer," Kirumi replied with a giggle, entering the room with trays of food, "Dinner is ready."

"Yipeeee!" I said as I served my own plate. Once everyone got their food, Angie, who sat next to me, placed her hands together and closed her eyes.

"Ah yes. Thank you, great Atua, for preparing this food to all of us. Our mouths shall be blessed and our stomachs will be full thanks to you." she said. I gave her an annoyed glare. "Uh-huh, how bout you thank the real cook for once." I said, gesturing to Kirumi. The Ultimate Maid put on a small smile and took her seat.

"No, I do not need any praise." she said.

"But you work hard to make us food every day, and Angie keeps saying its Atua who deserves all the credit." I said. 

"That is because he does deserve all the credit." Angie corrected. I crossed my arms across my chest, raising a brow. "So you're saying Atua is allowed to take credit for other people's work?" I said. 

"Are you again questioning Atua's power?" Angie asked with an edge in her voice. We shot glares at each other, and I swear there were sparks between us. Kaede put on a nervous expression.

"O-Okay, let's not start a scene." she said. 

"Yeah, bickering isn't going to get you guys anywhere." Kaito said. Angie puffed up her cheeks, and turned away from me, nose held high. "Well then maybe this lower life form should know better then to question the power of the mighty Atua." she stated. "Oh yeah? What's the worst he can do to me? Make me more like you?" I said. That made Angie actually growl, and she slammed her hand down by my plate.

"You will be silent! I have had enough of your insults!"

"Then maybe your precious Atua should stop me." 

"I promise you he will crush you with his might!"

"Looking forward to it!"

"Both of say another word and I'll make you quiet....permanently." Maki stated, eyes glowing red.  Her words made the whole table freeze, but Angie and I sighed. 

"Fine, I won't say another word," I said, then looked up at Kiyo, "help a guy out here, Kiyo. You're the culture expert here. What's your opinion on Atua?" I asked. Kiyo looked at me surprised. Angie's eyes widened, and suddenly he gaze was fixed on Kiyo, full of what looked like.....hope. Not sure what she was hoping for though. Approval maybe? I mean, Kiyo is her crush.

Kiyo placed a hand on his cheek, closing his eyes as he gathered his thoughts. "My opinion on Atua? I gather that is what you wish for me to explain." he said, and I nodded. 

"Very well. I'm afraid I lack knowledge of Atua, and his effect on his followers, so a proper opinion on him specifically would not be appropriate. In all honesty, I have never been one to depend on or look up to a god. Of course I have no problem with anyone who have religious beliefs. However, I will say this. No one should solely rely upon any god for everything, nor should they give a god complete credit of other people's actions. For example, if someone were to commit a crime, they mustn't say they are doing it in God's name. I'm afraid it just isn't logical. That is what I believe." Kiyo explained. 

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