Chapter 27

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(Holy shit....okay. It has been awhile since I've updated. Sorry guys. But anyway, I'm coming back to hopefully finish this story. If not this time, then definitely after the next hiatus if one comes. But don't worry, I'm never calling quits on this story. I love Danganronpa v3 too much to do that. In fact, I have a sequel planned for this story. Okay, now where were we here.....oh yeah. Maki was choking Kokichi.)

"GH! M-Maki....w-what are you.....talking about....?" I managed to choke out, grasping onto her wrists. 

"Don't you lie! You know exactly what I'm talking about! I told you not to touch it, didn't I? Now tell me where it is!" Maki hissed. Her tone was low, and held a threatening edge that promised a bad time. "Maki stop! Let him go!" Shuichi said in a panic.

"Maki Roll, calm down! Put Kokichi down!" Kaito said, hurrying to stand beside her. 

"I'm not lying.....I-I don't even....know're talking about....." I choked out. I tried to look in Maki's eyes, but her grip on my throat prevented me from moving my head at all. However, I was surprised to feel her grip disappear completely, causing me to fall on the ground with a thud. I gasped, then began to cough violently as I tried to regain my breath.

"Kokichi!" Shuichi said, kneeling beside me and placing a hand on my shoulder, "Are you okay?" I began to balance my breathing to normal, rubbing my sore throat while looking at him. "Peachy...." I murmured. Shuichi helped me slowly stand up as I turned to face Maki.

"Now, what precious treasure of yours was stolen to piss you off so much? Maybe I can actually help you find it." I said. Maki blinked, looking at me surprised, then looked away as she messed with one of her pigtails. Kaito sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"You saw that book by our coats, right? The black one with the red ribbon on it?" he said. I perked up.

"Oh yeaaaaah. If I recall, I was told 'touch it and you die', right?" I said with a small smile, doing my best impression of a scary Maki. The Ultimate Assassin apparently didn't find that amusing, and shot a glare at me.

"That book was my diary." she stated. That was when my smile fell. That was her diary.....oh fuck. Every smart guy knows that touching a girl's diary is a death wish. And if someone touched Maki's diary.....she'll take them straight to hell. 

"Yeah, I guess when we came back from that game of 'tag' last night, it wasn't here. We couldn't see a damn thing last night, so decided to try looking here in the morning. But its nowhere to be seen." Kaito explained.

"That can't be good. Who else was out last night?" Shuichi asked.

"Just us four apparently. We asked everyone else, but they said they went to bed that night. And it didn't seem like anyone was lying." Kaito said.

"But someone was lying." I looked to Maki, who had a shadow cast over her eyes. She clenched her fists tightly. "I've had that diary for years, ever since I was a little girl. Maybe it sounds cliche, but I put all my feelings and emotions into that book. Personal things. Things that got me through the training I went through as an assassin. And someone stole it. Someone is reading that book!" she said, practically shouting. 

"Maki..." Shuichi said. Kaito gave her a sympathetic expression before placing a hand on her shoulder, putting on a confident smile. "Don't you worry, Maki Roll! We'll find your book! I promise!" he stated.

"" Maki said. 

"Everyone said they were asleep last night?" Shuichi said, placing a hand over his mouth slightly. Kaito nodded. "Yeah. Although, Keebo said he saw Monokuma walking around last night." he said. I perked up. Monokuma? Wait a minute.....

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