Chapter 33

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Once the glowing faded, we all looked to see if the machine had been powered off.....only to see it was still glowing. My eyes widened.

"W-What the?" I said. "Hey, i-its still on!" Kaito said. Maki and Shuichi both shared the same look of disbelief. I was very confused. I definitely got the right power sources. So why aren't they deactivated? The electro bomb should've done the trick. So....why?

"K-Kokichi? Something isn't right. The power source is still on!" Tsumugi said on the walkie talkie. "Neither is the one here. What's going on?" Kirumi asked. 

"Kokichi?" Maki said, looking to me. "I....I don't know," I admitted, making sure my walkie talkie was on so everyone could hear me, "but, we'll figure it out, I just gotta examine the machine-"

"Yeah, don't bother." we all perked up upon hearing Monokuma's voice. I snapped my head to Motherkuma, seeing it was now on and activated. "Come on, did ya really think your foolish plan would work?" it said.

"What? No, these machines definitely power that electric fence to the hidden gate! I saw it with my own eyes!" I stated. 

"Oh yes, you're very correct about that. However, Monokuma was prepared for this. You see, normally during the killing game, he isn't allowed to use his powers. But he did do one little thing.....he used his magic to put up barriers around the four power sources, that way no one would really get out." Motherkuma explained. My eyes widened. What....did it say? Monokuma used his powers?! 

"H-His powers?! What the hell are you talking about?!" Kaito demanded. "Oh its nothing for you to worry about, space man." Motherkuma cooed. I growled, clenching my fists tightly.

"That bastard!" I snapped. The other three looked at me in surprise. "Kokichi?" Shuichi said. I walked right up to the Motherkuma.

"That bozo gets to cheat at his own game?! What the hell?! I thought he was loyal to his own rules!" I snapped. 

"Pufufufufu, well I guess you read Monokuma incorrectly. But you know, Kokichi, you're one to talk. I also have a certain advantage in this game, don't you?" Motherkuma said. My eyes widened. This thing knows about my knowledge? Dammit, what else has that damn bear done?! He better hope I don't run into him....

"Kokichi, what is Motherkuma talking about?" Maki asked. My eyes widened. I blinked, and turned to face my group. "What do you mean?" I asked.

"What certain advantage is he talking about?" Shuichi asked. My eyes widened as it dawned on me. They heard that. Shit, this isn't good. If they found out I've known about the first time line this whole time.....

"Like I'm supposed to know! I don't understand this at all!" I stated. 

"Typical Kokichi, lying his way out of trouble~" Motherkuma replied. "Grgh, shut the hell up! I'm not lying!" I snapped. 

"Suuuure. And that's not an Exisal at the door." Motherkuma said. "Wait, what did it say....?" Kaito said, eyes wide. "The entrance!" Maki cried. We all snapped our heads to the door, seeing one of the Exisals blocking the library bookcase entrance.

"Uh oh, looks like you guys are in a helluva lot of trouble! You guys aren't allowed in here!" Monokid said. 

"Not good!" Shuichi said. Kaito put on a fierce expression. "I got this!" he stated, gripping the electro hammer tightly and swinging it at Exisal. However, Monokid caught the hammer in one hand, and effortlessly picked it up, along with Kaito. "Nice try, asshole!" Monokid said. 

"Kaito!" Maki cried. "Uh oh...." Kaito muttered. Monokid flung Kaito off the electro hammer, causing him to go flying across the room and slamming into the wall, making him cry out in pain. "No! Kaito!" Shuichi said. Maki ran over to Kaito and knelt down beside him, helping him stand onto his feet. 

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