Chapter 24

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"Kokichi, what are you doing out here?" Shuichi asked, walking over to me until he was hovering over me. I decided to play it cool, putting on a smile and leaning back, hands resting behind my neck. "It's nice out here. I wanted to get some fresh air." I replied. That was a lie.

"Fresh air?" Shuichi said. I furrowed my brows. "What? Can't a guy get fresh air sometimes?" 

"That's not it," Shuichi said, sitting down beside me, "I just figured that-"

"I don't remember inviting you to sit down with me." I said. Shuichi looked at me surprised, seemingly caught off guard by my response. However I put on a grin and chuckled. "Nee-heehee, relax Shuichi. That was a lie. I don't care what you do." I replied. Shuichi blinked, then sighed.

"Anyway, as I was saying, I just figured that you would be with Gonta." he said. I frowned upon hearing the entomologist's name, and sat up. 

"Why would I be around that idiot? He's poisoned, I don't wanna that shit to spread to me. Then it would spread to everyone. And where would that get us?" I said. "There is a difference between poison and a disease. You know that right?" Shuichi said. I rolled my eyes, running a hand through my hair.

"I know that. That's common knowledge. Don't tell me you're that ignorant-"

"Stop trying to change the subject," Shuichi stated, "Why are you out here and not with your best friend?" 

".....who said he was my best friend?"

"Who said he wasn't?" Shuichi countered. I snickered. "Is there a point to all this?" I asked. "Aren't you worried about him? You don't want to stay by him and make sure he's okay?" Shuichi said.

"And see him slowly dying. No thanks...." I said. The image of Gonta puking up blood appeared in my head, making me grimace. I didn't realize I was hugging my knees until I had laid my chin on them.

"You don't want to see him like this, do you? Seeing him hurting like this. It hurts you too, doesn't it?" Shuichi said. My eyes widened and I looked at him surprised. He....he got that right. How did he know? No one's ever been able to guess how I feel before. 

"I couldn't care less...." I stated. 

"Another lie, you do care about him." Shuichi stated, looking away from me and looking up at the sky. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Okay, mister detective, where's your proof-"

"The way you yelled at Monokuma for starters. I find it hard to believe that was an act. And you even admitted you wanted to save him. And should I add the hope in your eyes when Miu said she might've been able to save him." Shuichi explained. Now I stared at him in disbelief, while he just looked at the sky like some badass would in a movie. I didn't know whether to be impressed or frustrated.

"Tch, cocky bastard..." I muttered. Shuichi looked back at me, eyes narrowing slightly, filled with sympathy. "It's not a bad thing to be concerned for a friend...." he said. It was my turn to look away, hugging my legs tighter.

"....." I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me tense up.

"I'm sure Miu will get the antidote in no time. After that, Gonta should be better then ever." Shuichi replied. 

"Do you have cotton in your ears? Miu said that it's a fifty-fifty shot! How the hell can you guarantee that this'll work?" I said, a bit more aggressively then I wanted. 

"Because I believe that it'll work." My eyes widened, and I looked at Shuichi surprised. He had on a warm smile. "I believe that Miu can help Gonta. And I'm not the only one. Everyone believes in her. We're not giving in just yet. That's why we're pushing forward, trying to hold on until Miu has the antidote ready." he said. My eyes slowly widened more and more in realization.

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