Chapter 36

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Everyone looked at Monokuma surprised, unsure of what he was talking about. "Hold on, what are you talking about? What do you mean by a sacrifice?" Shuichi asked. 

"I mean it as it is. A sacrifice. You guys refuse to kill each other, so now you don't have a choice. At this class trial, you will vote on one someone to be sacrificed, so that the rest of you can keep on living in this blasted academy." Monokuma stated. My eyes widened, feeling my stomach drop. He....he can't be serious. To do something like that....that's wrong. That's wrong!

"You can't do something like that! That isn't right!" Tenko snapped. "Nothing about this is right! Making us relive a second killing game, and then this?! That's messed up! You have no right!" Kaito stated.

"Oh? Well, that's too bad. Because that's what's happening. You better really think about who you want to sacrifice. It better not be someone useful to you guys. And one more thing, tomorrow is April fools!" Monokuma stated, then he disappeared, leaving us dumbfounded and shocked. 

I was completely frozen stiff. Monokuma can't be serious. I've worked so hard to keep everyone alive, to keep them from getting hurt. And now....we have to seriously choose someone someone among us. Wait, who am I kidding? They know I'm the one who lied to them, betrayed them....they're gonna sacrifice me-

"I'll do it." We all looked to the voice in shock....seeing it was Kiibo who had spoken up.

"Kiibo?! Now hold on a sec-" Tsumugi stated. "We don't have anymore time. Monokuma wants a sacrifice. It only seems logical that I be the sacrifice." Kiibo stated. 

"Shut up! You don't know what you're talking about! What the fuck makes you think you're the most logical choice here?!" Miu demanded. "I'm a robot, Miu. I'm not even a living person. Why should anyone else die in my place? I'm just an electronic device. Nothing more." Kiibo stated. "That's not true! You shut up," Miu ran over to him, firmly placing her hands on his shoulders, "You're the greatest robot that was ever invented, you're one of the most helpful people here....and you're my friend!" 

She suddenly hugged him tightly. "I worked hard to save you from that virus Monokuma put inside you, remember? I already thought you were gonna be gone once. No fucking way am I letting that happen again!" Miu shouted, tears in her eyes. I watched in disbelief, my heart slowly cracking from her sadness.

Kiibo only gave a small sigh and hugged her. "I'm sorry, Miu....but this is the best thing I can do. If it won't be me, then who would we sacrifice?" he asked. Tenko clenched her fists, and I saw her glare at me. "I can think of one degenerate male to sacrifice...." she muttered. Her words struck me hard, and I looked away.

"No. Don't look at Kokichi like that. I'll admit, he's definitely a bastard. But if you look at him like that, than your no better than he is." Kaito stated. Tenko almost looked ready to attack me, but Himiko gently held her hand, barely holding her back. 

"Kiibo, are you certain this is something you think you can go through with? I mean...." Shuichi trailed off, looking down. Kiibo nodded, still holding the crying Miu. "It's the best thing I can do right now." he said. 

"Why can't Gonta do it?! Let Gonta be sacrificed! He save everyone!" Gonta stated. Korekiyo shook his head, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Gonta. Unfortunately, Kiibo is correct. He is the best choice for something like this. Trust me, none of us want to sacrifice anyone...but this is the best thing we can afford to do." he explained. Angie hugged Korekiyo's waist, looking very sad. 

I stood there in silence.

I suppose everyone has made a decision....but I don't care. 

I'm not letting it end like this.

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