Chapter 2

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"WHOA!!!" I yelped as the locker door swung open, and I fell into the ground, smacking the back of my head against the floor.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! My head! Shit...." I muttered, sitting up. That fucking hurt! I growled, rubbing the back of my head.

"Great way to bring me back...." I sighed. I finally looked around, taking in my surroundings. The classroom I woke up in last time. I definitely recognize it. The desks, the board, the plants growing everywhere.....

"Guess I'm back." I whispered. I couldn't help but notice my own dread in those words. Maybe being dead would've been better.

A groan snapped me out of my thoughts, and I was on my feet. A few desks down, Keebo laid on one of them, his arms and head resting on the desk. His eyes were shut, so I assumed he was still asleep.

"I totally forgot Kee-boy and I woke up in the same room." I thought aloud. I walked over to him, feeling bored. Time to wake him I guess.

I didn't hesitate to smack the back of his head. This I found out was something I'd regret, as his actually head was metal.

"Yipe!" I yelped, holding on to my poor hand. "Not smart, not smart...."

Well either way, Keebo did wake up, slowly fluttering his eyes open. "Hmm....." He groaned as he sat up, rubbing my head. "What I'm the world....?" He muttered with dazed eyes.

"Morning sleepyhead!" I exclaimed, making the robot yell out and fall back, making himself and the chair fall. I chuckled as I heard a loud metal clang, and then he stood up.

"W-Who in the world are you?! What..." He slowly paused, eyes widening in fear and confusion as he looked around the classroom, "W-Where are we?"

"That's right, none of these guys have their memories of the first time line. Only I do. Hmm, to tell or not to tell?" I thought. I could tell everyone the truth, about the first time line, and we could figure out how to escape.....but where's the fun in that?

"I'm not sure where we are. I only just woke up in that locker over there." I said, gesturing to it. Keebo seemed frustrated, as if trying to grasp our situation.

"Is this a classroom of some sorts?" He murmured, seeming to be thinking aloud.

"Oh, but to answer your first question," I said, "I'm Kokichi Oma. Ultimate Supreme Leader." I stated. Keebo looked at me surprised, but smiled and placed a hand over his chest.

"Oh, yes, nice to meet you. I'm K1-BO. The Ultimate Robot. But please, just call me Keebo." He said.

"Great, now that that's outta the way, what should we do now?" I asked, sitting on top of a desk and swinging my legs. Keebo seemed to be caught off guard, looking away nervously.

"I-I don't know. I'm not sure where to begin." He admitted. Suddenly the announcement screen turned on, revealing the five Monokubs sitting on the same couch.

"This is an official announcement from the Ultimate Academy." Monotaro stated.

"Alright kiddies, all of you get your asses to the gymnasium at once! We've got stuff to explain. So hurry up!" Monosuke stated. That's all they said before the monitor shut off. Keebo blinked, dumbfounded.

"What the...."

"Yeah, that was weird, wasn't it? But, maybe it's best to do what they say. At least then we might get some answers." I stated.

"I don't know, is that really a good idea?" Keebo asked, looking at me nervously.

"Aaaaand I'm assuming you have a better idea?" I said. The robot frowned, looking away. I put on a smile.

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