Chapter 4

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I woke up around seven thirty and made my way to the cafeteria. When I got there, everyone but Kaede and Shuichi was gathered there. The moment I stepped inside all attention was on me. Their glares made me feel uneasy.

"Guess they aren't happy about yesterday...." I thought.

I decided to ignore the uneasy feeling and put on a smile. "Awww, everyone still mad at me? Come on, don't be like that!" I said with slight mock in my tone.

"Morning Kokichi! Did you sleep well?" Gonta asked in a friendly manner, wearing a wide smile. I looked at him in surprise. He isn't gonna be mad, like the others?

"Uh, I slept alright. Thanks." I said, feeling slightly awkward.

"Why are you being nice to a degenerate make like him who makes girls cry?!" Tenko snapped, pointing at me. "Indeed, Atua believes he should be punished rather than praised!" Angie added in a cheery tone.

"Gonta no like what Kokichi did, but he think that holding grudges won't make things better." Gonta said. Everyone looked at him in shock, then looked away, as if thinking over his words.

"Guess that's true. Fighting each other isn't going to help." Ryoma said. For the most part everyone shook their heads in agreement, while I stood there dumbfounded.

"Okay, that happened."

I started to approach the table covered in food, which has been driving me crazy for awhile now. "With that outta the way, why don't we eat?"

"We can't eat yet. We have to wait." Kaito stated. I looked at him in confusion.

"Hmm? Why noooot?" I whined. "We are waiting for Kaede and Shuichi, so that we may eat together." Kirumi replied. As if on cue, the door opened, and Shuichi and Kaede entered the room.

"Hey, there you are! Good morning!" Kaito called. Shuichi put on a small smile and waved. "Yeah, good morning." He said. Kaede was silent, keeping her gaze anywhere but on us. I felt a frown form on my face. She looks from yesterday....more depressed. I couldn't see her hopeful aura like I did before. Gonta seemed to notice, and tried to get her to speak.

"What about Kaede? You sleep good?" He asked. Kaede gave a quick glance at him before just giving a small nod. She looked almost timid, as if one word would make us snap.

"Could Kokichi apologize to Kaede tomorrow? Even if you don't mean it, I'm sure it make Kaede smile."

I thought long and hard about Gonta's request, and had ultimately decided I wasn't going to. But, seeing Kaede like this....

"I'm gonna do it, aren't I?" I thought.

I sighed, taking a step towards Kaede. She looked at me surprised, while Kaito looked ready to protect her, like I was about to hurt her.

"Kaede look, I wanted to tell you something. I...I'm sorry, alright." I said. The girl's eyes widened. Everyone stated at me in shock.

"W-What the- did he apologize?!" Tenko said.

"He did. I have it recorded if you want to hear." Keebo stated. "We're not deaf, dumbass! We all heard him just fine!" Miu snapped. I cleared my throat.

" Anyway, I was too harsh on you yesterday. I said some things, and I hurt ya. I was just mad, okay? I didn't mean to lash out like that. So.....I'm sorry."

Kaede stared for a moment, like she was in a dream....but then she smiled sadly.

"Thank you, Kokichi. But, it's not your fault. You were right, I didn't think of how anyone else felt. I was selfish. Sorry...."

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